Information on the office of the human rights bulletin Voice of the People in Mendoza [ARG18470.E]

Information on the requested subject could not be found among the sources currently available to the DIRB. Research was performed for the above-given name and variations thereof.

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.

Sources Consulted

Fundación Ecuménica de Cuyo (Ecumenic Foundation of the Cuyo Region), Mendoza.

Comisión de Derechos y Garantías, C mara Legislativa de Mendoza (Rights and Guarantees Commission, Legislative Assembly of Mendoza).

Article 19 World Report: Information, Freedom and Censorship. 1988.

Attacks on the Press. 1988, 1990.

Committee to Protect Journalists Update. Quarterly. 1989-92.

Human Rights Directory: Latin America and the Caribbean. 1990.

Human Rights Watch World Report. 1987, 1989, 1990.

Index on Censorship. Monthly. 1987-89.

L'information dans le monde. 1989.

La lettre de Reporters sans frontières. 1990.

South America, Central America and the Caribbean 1988. 1988.

World Media Handbook. 1991.

Amnesty International Report. Yearly.

Material from the Indexed Media Review (IMR) or country files containing articles and reports from diverse sources (primarily dailies and periodicals) from the Weekly Media Review.

Newspapers and periodicals pertaining to the appropriate region.

On-line searches of news articles.
Note on oral sources:

Oral sources are usually contacted when documentary sources have been exhausted. However, oral sources must agree to be quoted in a publicly available Response to Information Request. If they refuse, the Response will read "no information currently available." Contacting oral sources is also subject to time constraints; for example, there are periods of the year when academics are unavailable.

This list is not exhaustive. Country-specific books available in the Resource Centre are not included.