Suspected U.S. Missile Attacks Kill 25 In Pakistan's Northwest

December 17, 2010
Pakistani security officials say three separate U.S. missile attacks have killed at least 25 suspected militants in Pakistan's northwestern Khyber region near the Afghan border.
A drone attack in the same area on December 16 killed another seven.
The Khyber region is home to the Lashkar-e Islami, a militant group allied with the Taliban. Convoys carrying supplies for NATO troops in Afghanistan pass through Khyber.
Pakistani intelligence officials said today's strikes appeared to target senior Lashkar-e Islami commanders.
There had been few drone attacks in Khyber until now.
The United States has widened drone attacks in Pakistan this year, but almost all of them have been in the North Waziristan tribal region along the Afghan border where Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants are known to be hiding.
compiled from agency reports