Dokument #1231069
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
The Washington Office on Haiti stated in a
telephone communication with the IRBDC that schools were closed in
December 1990 following the spread of a rumour that former Tontons
Macoutes would kidnap schoolchildren to undermine the electoral
process. The source added that schools remained closed throughout
January 1991, and in early-February 1991 President Aristide
announced that schools would open very soon.
The New York office of the National
Coalition for Haitian Refugees stated in a telephone communication
with the IRBDC on 4 March 1991 that schools remained closed
throughout January 1991, likely because of security concerns, and
reopened after the Carnival, approximately on 18 February 1991.
Additional information on the subject could
not be found among the sources currently available to the