List of names of individuals still wanted by the government of Nigeria in relation to the April 1990 coup attempt [NGA12487]

According to a telex dated 3 August 1992 received from the Office of External Affairs, the following is a list of individuals still wanted by the government of Nigeria in connection with the April 1990 coup attempt:
Lt. Col. G.A.A. Nyiam - Engineer
Maj. S.O. Mukoro - Military Police
Maj. G.T.O. Edoja - Signals
Maj. C.O. Obahor - Signals
Capt. V.S. Tolofari - Military Police
Capt. B.I. Oziegbe - Military Police
Lt. S.O.S. Echendu - Armour
Lt. P. C. Obasi - Armour
Lt. E. Okekumatolor - Armour
Great Oredje Ogboru - Businessman
Mr. Alexander - Businessman

Additional and/or corroborating information is currently unavailable to the DIRB in Ottawa.


Office of External Affairs, Ottawa. 3 August 1992. Telex from External Affairs (Copy sent by fax to DIRB [Ottawa]).