Haiti: The Struggling People's Organization (Organisation du peuple en lutte, OPL) political party, including its history, structure, founding members, and past and current leaders; the treatment of its members by the authorities and society (2012-May 2015) [HTI105172.FE]

Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Ottawa

1. History

The Lavalas Political Organization (Organisation politique lavalas), a pro-Jean-Bertrand Aristide centre-left political party, was founded in 1991 (PHW 2014, 594; Haïti-Référence 20 Mar. 2015). During the 1995 elections, the party supported René Préval as presidential candidate (ibid.; PHW 2014, 590) to succeed Aristide (ibid.). Political Handbook of the World 2014 (PHW) states that in 1996, the Lavalas Political Organization split into two groups: the Lavalas Family (Fanmi lavalas, FL), founded by Aristide, and the Struggling People's Organization (Organisation du peuple en lutte, OPL) [Òganizasyon pèp kap lite], which retained the OPL abbreviation and then dissociated itself from Aristide and became a “leading rival” of the FL (ibid., 594595). Haïti-Référence, an Internet site intended as a reference guide on Haiti, corroborates this dissociation from Aristide, but points out that the OPL officially changed its name in 1999 (Haïti-Référence 20 Mar. 2015). In the lead-up to the 2010 elections, the OPL became a member of the coalition Alternative for Progress and Democracy [also called simply Alternative or Alternativ] (ibid.; PHW 2014 594). In 2014, in a speech published by the Haitian daily Le Nouvelliste, the OPL General Coordinator described his party as a centre-left organization that is [translation] “modern, democratic, popular and decentralized” and stated that the OPL was a member of Socialist International (OPL 10 Sept. 2014).

2. Founding Members and Past Leaders

According to sources, the founding members and past leaders include:

  • Gérard Pierre-Charles (ibid.; RNDDH 28 Apr. 2015), deceased (ibid.);
  • Marc Romulus, Hérard Pauyo, Claude Jean-François, Paul Déjean, Alpha Dorsainvil, Normil Charles, Marie Suze Georges, Anthony Jean-Louis, Jesi Chancy Manigat, Harry Ferdinand (OPL 10 Sept. 2014);
  • Jean Gardy Leblanc (RNDDH 28 Apr. 2015);
  • Paul Denis (ibid.; PHW 2014, 594), Presidential candidate, 2006 (ibid.);
  • Edgard Leblanc [Jr.] (ibid.; RNDDH 28 Apr. 2015);
  • Sauveur Pierre Étienne (ibid.); and
  • William Kénel-Pierre (Ayiti Kale Je and AlterPresse 10 Apr. 2013).

For further information on the founding members of the OPL, see Response to Information Request HTI102951.

3. Structure and Members

According to Radio métropole Haïti, OPL had [translation] “over” 2,000 members on 28 August 2014 (Radio métropole Haïti 28 Aug. 2014). The Haitian radio station Radio Panik FM (RPFM) stated in an undated article that, in April 2015, [translation] “over” 3,500 members of the OPL in Haiti and in the diaspora would be electing a candidate for the next presidential election (RPFM n.d.). According to an OPL news release published in August 2011 at the party’s fourth national congress,

  • 350 delegates, representing [translation] “the eleven regional committees,” participated in the congress; 296 of those delegates had the right to vote;
  • those 296 delegates validated the election of the members of the “departmental or regional executive committees” that took place in July and August of that same year;
  • they elected members of the “national executive committee,” made up of one general coordinator, one assistant general coordinator, five coordinators, two secretaries and four member advisors; and
  • they designated the members of the “ethics and discipline committee,” made up of three members and chaired by Senator Edgard Leblanc Jr. (OPL 29 Aug. 2011).

4. Current Leaders

According to the August 2011 OPL news release and an undated page on the party website, the OPL leaders are:

  • Éloune Doréus, Communications Coordinator (OPL 29 Aug. 2011);
  • Sauveur Pierre Étienne, General Coordinator;
  • Riché Andris [Andris Riché], Assistant General Coordinator;
  • François Anick [Annick] Joseph, Training Coordinator;
  • Maurissaint Jean Irvelt Chéry, Executive Secretary;
  • Baudelaire Noëlssaint, Assistant Executive Secretary;
  • William Kénel-Pierre, International Relations Coordinator;
  • Vasco Thernelan, Finance and Budget Coordinator;
  • Rosny Smarth, Member Advisor;
  • Mélius Hyppolite, Member Advisor;
  • Jean] Acklusch [Acklush, Acluche or Accluche] Louis Jeune, Member Advisor;
  • Jean Claude Bernard, Member Advisor; and
  • Paul dit Arry [Harry] Marsan, Organizational Coordinator (ibid.; ibid. n.d.).

An article published in March 2015 by the news agency Haiti Press Network (HPN) attributes the position of OPL spokesperson to Arry Marsan (HPN 21 Mar. 2015).

4.1 Regional Leaders

  • Hervé Saintilus, Departmental Coordinator, West (Le Nouvelliste 17 Mar. 2015);
  • Elusca Charles, Regional Coordinator (Radio Kiskeya 12 Sept. 2012);
  • Washmy Bien-Aimé, Departmental Coordinator, Artibonite (AAP 5 Dec. 2013).

Further information on OPL leaders could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

5. OPL’s Participation in the Government

In an article published in January 2015, Radio métropole Haïti calls the OPL [translation] “the strength within the dysfunctional Senate” [see section 6 of this Response for further information on the political crisis surrounding the postponement of the elections], with four of the ten senators in office being OPL members (Radio métropole Haïti 14 Jan. 2015). According to sources, the following senators are OPL members:

  • Andris Riché (Le Nouvelliste [2015]; HPN 21 Mar. 2015; ibid. 30 Jan. 2015), who is also president of the Senate (ibid.; Le Nouvelliste [2015]);
  • Francisco De La Cruz [Delacruz], Senator, Centre Department (HPN 5 May 2015; Haïti n.d.c);
  • Mélius Hyppolite, Senator, North-West Department (ibid. n.d.a); and
  • François Anick Joseph, Senator, Artibonite Department (HPN 5 May 2015; Le Nouvelliste [2015]).

According to the Haitian Parliament’s website, François Anick Joseph is the senator of the north-west department; it is not indicated on his introduction card that he is a member of the OPL (Haiti n.d.d). According to their introduction cards, as posted on the Haitian Parliament’s website, these senators are all members of the Alternative coalition (ibid.; ibid. n.d.a; ibid. n.d.b; ibid. n.d.c). The Haïti-Référence website states that Andris Riché, Francisco De La Cruz and Mélius Hyppolite are members of Alternative, but states that François Anick Joseph is a member of Ayiti an Aksyon (AAA) (Haïti-Référence 13 Feb. 2015).

In April 2013, Radio Kiskeya identified Acklusch Louis Jeune as a member of the OPL (Radio Kiskeya 27 Apr. 2013). In its list of political parties to which parliamentarians are affiliated, Haïti-Référence does not mention the OPL, but states that Acklusch Louis Jeune is a member of Alternative (Haïti-Référence 18 Jan. 2015). Éloune Doréus y is also identified as a member of Alternative (ibid.).

6. OPL Activities and Treatment of OPL by the Authorities and Society (2012 2015)

According to sources, under the government of President Martelly, there have been no elections [for the Senate seats, the Chamber of Deputies and local offices (AP 15 Jan. 2015)], because of disagreement among the various powers regarding the creation of an electoral law and the organization of the elections; the elections have been postponed since 2011 (US 27 Feb. 2014, 1; AP 15 Jan. 2015). The dissolution of Parliament took place on 12 January 2015, and President Martelly began governing by decree (AFP 20 Apr. 2015; AP 15 Jan. 2015). Martelly installed Evans Paul as prime minister (ibid.; HaïtiLibre 17 Jan. 2015) on 16 January 2015 (ibid.). The OPL stated that it was in favour of this appointment without ratification by Parliament (ibid. 18 Jan. 2015; Radio métropole Haiti 14 Jan. 2015). Its general coordinator, Sauveur Pierre Étienne, stated at the time that the party occupied the [translation] “role of observer in the [political] crisis” and that the party did not want to be part of the consensus government (ibid.). On 13 March 2015, the Associated Press (AP) stated that elections were scheduled to take place in Haiti on 9 August 2015 to elect members of the Senate and of the Chamber of Deputies and then on 25 October 2015 to elect the president of the country and the local representatives (AP 13 Mar. 2015). In March 2015, the OPL announced that the party would participate in the upcoming elections (RFM Haïti 16 Mar. 2015; HPN 21 Mar. 2015), [translation] “on all levels” (ibid.). In May 2015, the party members elected Sauveur Pierre Étienne as the OPL presidential candidate (ibid. 5 May 2015; HaïtiLibre 5 May 2015).

In correspondence sent to the Research Directorate, a representative of the National Human Rights Defense Network (Réseau national de défense des droits humains, RNDDH), an NGO that monitors human rights violations committed by the state in Haiti (RNDDH n.d.), stated that the OPL [translation] “was committed to the political situation in the country, but [that it] was not a member of the opposition” and that it was instead aligned with the government (ibid. 28 Apr. 2015). Other sources describe the OPL as a [translation] “moderate” (Radio métropole Haïti 14 Jan. 2015) or non-radical opposition (POHDH 1 May 2015). According to sources, the OPL participated in political anti-Martelly protests (RNDDH 28 Apr. 2015; Radio Kiskeya 12 Sept. 2012). The OPL published press releases criticizing the party in power for the postponed elections (IPS 2 Oct. 2012; OPL 13 Aug. 2013).

According to the RNDDH representative, the [translation] “RNDDH is not aware of persecution against OPL members” (28 Apr. 2015). In a telephone interview with the Research Directorate, a representative of the Platform of Haitian Human Rights Organizations (Plate-forme des organisations haïtiennes des droits humains, POHDH), a non-profit association of eight Haitian institutions that is dedicated to promoting and defending human rights (POHDH n.d.), stated that [translation] “there are a number of general protection problems in Haiti, but there are no more problems for this party [OPL] than for others” (ibid. 1 May 2015). The same source stated that the POHDH has no files concerning OPL members, but [translation] “[that] some OPL members have been victims of generalized violence” and that “the police does not intervene in attacks on offices of political parties and NGOs” (ibid.).

In correspondence with the Research Directorate, a representative at the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti (IJDH), an organization located in Boston that works with Haitian organizations to gather information on human rights violations and that coordinates human rights defence activities in Haiti (IJDH n.d.), stated that on 5 January 2013, a meeting of opposition political parties, including the OPL, was interrupted by a group of men, armed with batons and rocks (ibid. 22 Apr. 2015). According to that same source, the men are suspected of being government supporters (ibid.). One of the meeting participants was injured (ibid.). When the participants called the police, they were told that no one could go and help them because the police officers did not have enough gas [for the trip] (ibid.). Subsequently, a police vehicle appeared at the meeting venue to escort participants home (ibid.). Further information on this event could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

According to sources, OPL Senator François Anick Joseph was the subject of an assassination plot in 2012 (Radio Kiskeya 3 Mar. 2012; Haïti progrès 16 Mar. 2012). Further information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

According to the POHDH Representative, during the period covered by this Response (2012 to May 2015), an OPL member was assaulted a number of times and a former member was the victim of an attempted assassination (POHDH 1 May 2015). In April 2013, Radio Kiskeya stated that an OPL member, Acklusch Louis Jeune, had been the victim of an armed robbery that, according to the victim, [translation] “was politically motivated” (Radio Kiskeya 27 Apr. 2013). The article states that two individuals armed with pistols [translation] “expressed their willingness to silence him because of his spiteful criticism of the current government” (ibid.). Further information on these events could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

Two Haitian media sources state that, in February 2012, some parliamentarians and members of the OPL coordination were attacked by protesters armed with rocks and batons in the commune of Lascahobas, in the central plateau (Le Matin 7 Feb. 2012; HPN 7 Feb. 2012), while they were participating in the launch of a strategic plan by the party (ibid.). Further information on this event could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

An article published in December 2013 by the Artibonian News Agency (Agence artibonitienne de presse, AAP), a Haitian news agency, states that Sauveur Pierre Étienne, General Coordinator of the OPL, Member Acklusch Louis Jeune and a number of other OPL members were stopped by [translation] “bandits” in Gonaïves, in the Department of Artibonite, when they were driving to a meeting (AAP 5 Dec. 2013). According to the OPL Department Coordinator for Artibonite, police intervention caused the perpetrators to flee (ibid.). Further information on this event could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Agence artibonitienne de presse (AAP). 5 December 2013. “Des membres de l’OPL sauvés de justesse d’un braquage de voiture aux Gonaïves.” [Accessed 1 May 2015]

Agence France-Presse (AFP). 20 April 2015. Amélie Baron. “Elections Loom: Haïti’s Year of Living Dangerously.” [Accessed 13 May 2015]

Associated Press (AP). 13 March 2015. “Haiti Sets Date for Delayed Legislative Elections.” [Accessed 7 May 2015]

_____. 15 January 2015. “Haiti Parliament Dissolved, New Prime Minister Faces Political Instability.” [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015]

Ayiti Kale Je and AlterPresse. 10 April 2013. “Acteurs haïtiens et étrangers divisés sur les questions de l’aide internationale et la reconstruction d’Haïti.” [Accessed 4 May 2015]

Haiti. N.d.a. Parliament. “Mélius Hyppolite.” [Accessed 5 May 2015]

_____. N.d.b. Parliament. “Riché Andris.” [Accessed 5 May 2015]

_____. N.d.c. Parliament. “Francisco De La Cruz.” [Accessed 5 May 2015]

_____. N.d.d. Parliament. “François Anick Joseph.” [Accessed 5 May 2015]

HaïtiLibre. 5 May 2015. “Haïti-News: Electoral Zapping….” [Accessed 6 May 2015]

_____. 18 January 2015. “Haïti - Politique: Position de l’OPL face à la nouvelle situation politique.” [Accessed 16 Apr. 2015]

_____. 17 January 2015. “Haïti - FLASH: Officiel, Evans Paul installé à la Primature.” [Accessed 16 Apr. 2015]

Haiti Press Network (HPN). 5 May 2015. “Haïti - Élections - OPL: Sauveur Pierre Étienne gagne les primaires.” [Accessed 6 May 2015]

_____. 21 March 2015. Alix Laroche. “Haïti - Politique - Élections: OPL se lance dans le combat électoral! [Accessed 5 May 2015]

_____. 30 January 2015. “Haïti - Politique: Andris Riché, nouveau président du Sénat de la République.” [Accessed 6 May 2015]

_____. 7 February 2012. “Attaque contre les parlementaires a Lascahobas.” [Accessed 15 May 2015]

Haïti progrès. 16 March 2012. Emmanuel Saintus. “L’insécurité à plusieurs visages fait rage! [Accessed 8 May 2015]

Haïti-Référence. 20 March 2015. “Partis et coalitions politiques en Haïti.” [Accessed 16 Apr. 2015]

_____. 13 February 2015. “Parlement haïtien: le Sénat de la République.” [Accessed 1 May 2015]

_____. 18 January 2015. “49ème législature: les députés (2011-2015).” [Accessed 1 May 2015]

Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti (IJDH). 22 April 2015. Correspondence from a representative to the Research Directorate.

_____. N.d. “About.” [Accessed 8 May 2015]

Inter Press Service (IPS). 2 October 2012. Milo Milfort and Lafontaine Orvild. “Haiti: Government Faces Mounting Popular Anger.” (Factiva)

Le Matin. 7 February 2012. “Une délégation de l’OPL attaquée à Lacahobas.” [Accessed 8 May 2015]

Le Nouvelliste. 17 March 2015. Jhonson Baptiste. “L’OPL entend sommer l’actuel président du CEP.” [Accessed 8 May 2015]

_____. [2015]. Yvince Hilaire. “François Anick Joseph: ‘192 partis inscrits, c’est un scandale!’ [Accessed 14 May 2015]

Organisation du peuple en lutte (OPL). 10 September 2014. Sauveur Pierre Étienne. “Discours du coordonnateur général de l’OPL.” [Accessed 6 May 2015]

_____. 13 August 2013. Sauveur Pierre Étienne. “Lettre au président Martelly.” [Accessed 30 Apr. 2015]

_____. 29 August 2011. Marie Claude Dorcé. “Communiqué de presse.” [Accessed 30 Apr. 2015]

_____. N.d. “Dirigeants.” [Accessed 30 Apr. 2015]

Plate-forme des organisations haïtiennes des droits humains (POHDH). 1 May 2015. Correspondence from a representative to the Research Directorate.

_____. N.d. “Présentation de la POHDH.” [Accessed 8 May 2015]

Political Handbook of the World 2014 (PHW). 2014. “Haiti.” Edited by Tom Lansford. Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Radio Kiskeya. 27 April 2013. “Un député de l’opposition victime d’un braquage qui serait politiquement motivé.” [Accessed 5 May 2015]

_____. 12 September 2012. “Chaude alerte pour Martelly au Cap, plusieurs milliers de manifestants dénoncent sa ‘politique désastreuse’.” [Accessed 5 May 2015]

_____. 3 March 2012. “Menaces de mort contre le sénateur de l’Artibonite Anick François Joseph (OPL).” [Accessed 3 March 2012]

Radio métropole Haïti. 14 January 2015. “L’OPL, une opposition modérée à Martelly.” [Accessed 6 May 2015]

_____. 28 August 2014. “L’OPL va organiser son 5e congrès.” [Accessed 16 Apr. 2015]

Radio Panik FM (RPFM). N.d. “Les élections primaires dans le parti d’OPL.” [Accessed 7 May 2015]

Réseau national de défense des droits humains (RNDDH). 28 April 2015. Correspondence from a representative to the Research Directorate.

_____. N.d. “Vision et mission.” [Accessed 8 May 2015]

RFM Haïti. 16 March 2015. Aladin Jn Louis Aris. “RFM - Les titres de l’actualité du 16 March 2015.” [Accessed 16 Apr. 2015]

United States (US). 27 February 2014. Department of State. “Haiti.” Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013. [Accessed 17 Apr. 2015]

Additional Sources Consulted

Oral sources: The following individuals and organizations were unable to provide information for this Response: assistant professor of political sciences, University of Waterloo; Coordination Europe-Haïti; Haïti Support Group; professor, University of Massachusetts; professor of political sciences, University of Virginia; professor of sociology, Wesleyan University.

Attempts to contact the following individuals and organizations were unsuccessful within the time constraints of this Response: associate professor, Université du Québec à Montréal; Centre de recherche et de formation économique et sociale pour le développement; Centre international de documentation et d’information haïtienne, caribéenne et afro-canadienne; five members of the Struggling People's Organization (OPL); professor, George Washington University; professor, Wilfrid Laurier University.

Internet sites, including: Agence haïtienne de presse; Amnesty International; ecoi.net; E-Haïti Network; Factiva; Freedom House; The Haïtian Times; Human Rights Watch; Institute for War and Peace Reporting; IRIN; The New York Times; Radio France internationale; Radio télévision Caraïbes; Tout Haïti; United Nations – United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, Refworld, ReliefWeb.

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