a-4752 (ACC-LKA-4752)
Nach einer Recherche in unserer Länderdokumentation und im Internet können wir Ihnen zu oben genannter Fragestellung Materialien zur Verfügung stellen, die unter anderem folgende Informationen enthalten:
IFA für Tamilen, der sich Rekrutierung durch LTTE entzog
UNHCR berichtet im Juni 2004 wie folgt über die Möglichkeit einer internen Fluchtalternative:
“Since the ceasefire agreement came into force, most checkpoints between the Government and LTTE controlled areas have been removed. The checkpoints that were approved under the MoU between the Government and the LTTE are listed in the cease-fire agreement and generally adhered to. However, although it is occasionally possible for high-ranking members of the LTTE to seek national protection when fleeing the LTTE there are numerous reports of suspicious deaths of former LTTE cadres, including persons who have sought national protection, occurring in Government controlled areas. In cases where inter-Tamil fighting occurs the Government stand has been to not intervene as any such intervention would be a violation of the cease-fire.
In general it is no longer possible to use the internal flight option for Tamils fleeing the LTTE as the organisation is present in every part of the country and has a well-developed information/intelligence network.” (UNHCR, Juni 2004, S.44)
Dies wird auch noch im Länderbericht des UK Home Office vom September 2005 zitiert (UK Home Office, Oktober 2005, Abs. 6.93).
Siehe für weitere Details auch die Kapitel „Ethnic Groups“ und „Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS)“ des UK Home Office-Berichts (UK Home Office, Oktober 2005), sowie für eine Übersicht über die Themen Verschleppungen, extralegale Tötungen, Verhaftungen, Verletzungen des Waffenstillstandes, etc, die entsprechenden Kapitel des Kurzberichts des UK Home Office vom April 2006 (UK Home Office, April 2006).
[Passage entfernt]
Human Rights Watch (HRW) veröffentliche im März 2006 einen ausführlichen Bericht zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch die LTTE an Tamilen außerhalb und innerhalb Sri Lankas (HRW, 15. März 2006).
Im Bericht über die Menschenrechtslage im Jahr 2005 berichtet HRW:
“The human rights situation in Sri Lanka worsened in 2005. [...] Killings, particularly of Tamils in opposition to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), an armed group advocating a separate homeland for Tamils, reached an alarming rate of one per day by June 2005, and included the assassination of Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar in August. The LTTE continued to recruit child soldiers. Torture and mistreatment by police continued to be a problem.” (HRW, Jänner 2006)
Auch AI berichtet von einer Verschlechterung der Menschenrechtslage und von politisch motivierten Morden auch in nicht von der LTTE kontrollierten Gebieten:
“The human rights situation in the north-east deteriorated following a violent split within the LTTE in April and a dramatic increase in politically motivated killings. [...]
There was a dramatic escalation in political killings, especially in the east, following the split in the LTTE. From April onwards an increasing number of civilians, including members of opposition Tamil groups, were assassinated by the LTTE and Colonel Karuna’s supporters. Some of these killings took place in government-controlled territory or near Sri Lankan Army (SLA) checkpoints, leading the LTTE to accuse the SLA of providing support to Colonel Karuna’s faction. The continued killings and intimidation created an atmosphere of fear among the civilian population in the east as well as putting the ceasefire under strain. A number of people were also killed in Colombo.” (AI,
HRW berichtet im April 2006 von ethnisch motivierter Gewalt gegen Tamilen in Trincomalee. Sicherheitskräfte sollen dabei nicht eingeschritten sein:
“Police and other security forces reportedly stood by as Tamils were attacked on April 12 after an alleged Tamil Tiger bomb at a Trincomalee market killed five persons. Witnesses said that within 15 minutes approximately 100-150 ethnic Sinhalese men armed with clubs and long knives attacked Tamil businesses and homes in Trincomalee town and district. Sri Lankan human rights organizations reported that attacks from April 12 to 16 left at least 20 civilians dead (including seven women), among them Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese.”
AI berichtet im April 2006 von eskalierender Gewalt, seitdem die Armee als Reaktion auf einen Selbstmordanschlag Trincomalee bombardiert habe (AI, 26. April 2006). Auch im Jänner 2006 berichtet AI bereits von eskalierender Gewalt (AI, 11. Jänner 2006).
Zwangsrekrutierung durch LTTE
Anm.: Die meisten Berichte, die von Zwangsrekrutierungen durch die LTTE berichten, konzentrieren sich auf Kindersoldaten. Bei der folgenden Recherche ist das Thema Kindersoldaten nicht inkludiert.
Der Menschenrechtsbericht des US Department of State (USDOS) vom März 2006 enthält Informationen über Zwangsrekrutierung durch die Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) und zu den Methoden der Rekrutierung:
“The LTTE routinely used excessive force in the war, including attacks targeting civilians. Since the peace process began in 2001, the LTTE has engaged in targeted killings, kidnapping, hijackings of truck shipments, and forcible recruitment, including of children.” (USDOS, 8. März 2006, Sektion 5 - Children)
“Several sources reported that the LTTE used intimidation or bribes to facilitate recruitment.” (USDOS, 8. März 2006, Sektion 1.g)
Im Februar 2006 berichtet Amnesty International (AI) wie folgt über Zwangsrekrutierungen von Erwachsenen durch die LTTE (Kapitel „Abductions“ des Berichts wird zur Gänze zitiert):
“Amnesty International has received regular reports of abductions of adults by the LTTE following the 2004 split. Most of those abducted have reportedly been Tamil civilians whom the LTTE suspects of working against it or whom it wishes to interrogate. Some victims of abductions, who have since been released, have told Amnesty International how they were taken to LTTE camps and subjected to torture and ill treatment.
Local sources told Amnesty International that the actual number of abductions is far higher than reported, as many families do not report the abduction of a family member to any authority, but seek their release directly from the LTTE.
In Batticaloa district, Amnesty International delegates met with five women whose husbands or sons had been reportedly abducted by the LTTE (see Annex 1). All these women had enquired with local LTTE officials, as well as reported the abduction to the ICRC, SLMM, National Human Rights Commission and Sri Lankan police. However, none had received any clarification of their family member’s whereabouts from the LTTE, nor had there been any meaningful investigation by the police. The women told Amnesty International that in July 2005 they had made a collective representation to Father Karunaratnam, Chair of the NESOHR, who expressed surprise at the reported abductions and promised to investigate them. However, the women have not received any further information from the NESOHR. Amnesty International raised these cases with LTTE officials, who promised to investigate. The women have not subsequently received any further information from the LTTE.
Inhumane treatment of persons taking no part in the hostilities is prohibited by Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions. Contrary to this prohibition, many of those abducted are held for prolonged periods with no contact with their families. In addition, there are allegations that some of those abducted are subjected to torture and ill-treatment which, in addition to being a breach of Common Article 3, also constitutes a war crime under the Rome Statute(6). Abductions are prohibited under Article 1.2 of the CFA.
It is reported that, in addition to abducting those that it suspects of opposing it, the LTTE also forcibly recruits adults into its forces, with young adults who were disbanded by Karuna following the split being particularly targeted. Local sources reported that young men demobilized by Karuna are leaving the east and many are attempting to travel abroad in order to escape harassment and forced re-recruitment by the LTTE. Local NGOs told Amnesty International that while previously only unmarried people had been recruited, married people are now being forcibly recruited and the LTTE is telling local populations that being married is no protection from recruitment.
Amnesty International heard unconfirmed reports that Karuna’s group has also been forcibly recruiting adults but no concrete evidence was available on this. Some agencies in Batticaloa reported that local people are being offered money, both by the LTTE and the Karuna group, to join their respective forces.
While UNICEF is mandated to collect reports of child recruitment and provide protection and support to children and families, there is no agency responsible for supporting adults at risk of forced recruitment and the issue remains largely hidden.” (AI, 3. Februar 2006, Kap. Abductions)
Siehe auch eine Anfragebeantwortung des kanadischen Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) vom Juli 2005 zum Thema Rekrutierung durch LTTE in Jaffna und Möglichkeit des staatlichen Schutzes davor (IRB, 8. Juli 2005) und eine Anfragebeantwortung des IRB zum Thema Erpressung von im Westen lebenden Tamilen durch LTTE (IRB, 9. Dezember 2005).
Diese Informationen beruhen auf einer zeitlich begrenzten Recherche in öffentlich zugänglichen Dokumenten, die ACCORD derzeit zur Verfügung stehen. Die Antwort stellt keine abschließende Meinung zur Glaubwürdigkeit eines bestimmten Asylansuchens dar.
IFA für Tamilen, der sich Rekrutierung durch LTTE entzog
Zwangsrekrutierung durch LTTE
IRB - Immigration and Refugee Board: Sri Lanka: Whether Tamils living in Sri Lanka, who have relatives living in the West, are subject to extortion by members of the Sri Lankan Army (SLA), the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP), and/or other organizations (February 2002 - November 2005) (LKA100506.E), 9. Dezember 2005
http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/research/ndp/ref/?action=view&doc=lka100506e (Zugriff am 9. Mai 2006)
IRB - Immigration and Refugee Board: Sri Lanka: Reports of recruitment and extortion of Tamils in the Jaffna area by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), including the profile of those recruited and extorted; whether victims of such recruitment and/or extortion are able to seek assistance and/or protection from the police and/or other government authorities (December 2004-July 2005) (LKA100309.E), 8. Juli 2005
http://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/research/ndp/ref/?action=view&doc=lka100309e (Zugriff am 9. Mai 2006)