Dokument #1183820
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
As discussed by telephone, information on a
group named Indio Tupac Catari could not be found among the sources
currently available to the DIRB, but please find attached some
articles reporting on two prominent groups with a similar name.
The Movimiento Revolucionario Túpaj
Katari de Liberación (MRTKL) was founded by Victor Hugo C
rdenas, a professor who has reportedly been pushing for vindication
of native tongues, bilingual education and the right to vote of
indigenous people (Andean Commission of Jurists Mar. 1993, 2). The
group is named after an Aymara anti-colonial hero. The first word
of the movement's name is spelled "Túpak" by some sources
and the name is translated in different ways, such as Revolutionary
Tupak Katari Liberation Movement. As indicated in the attached
articles, the MRTKL has formed an electoral alliance with the
Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (MNR) for the upcoming
general elections, due to take place in June 1993. The attached
reports indicate that the MNR-MRTKL coalition is considered a
favourite for winning the elections.
The Ejército Guerrillero
Túpak Katari (Tupak Katari Guerrilla Army, EGTK) is an armed
rebel group that has claimed responsibility for various attacks,
although as indicated in the attachments, a significant number of
its members were recently captured.
A political group that has registered for
the 1993 elections is the National Katarist Movement, or MKN (the
original name in Spanish could not be found among the sources
currently available to the DIRB). The group, led by Fernando
Untoja, changed from its original name, Katarist Liberation
Movement (MKL), after "an action carried out by the Nationalist
Revolutionary Movement" (Television Nacional Network 2 Apr. 1993),
which has formed a coalition with the MRTKL.
In addition to the attached articles, some
recent documents providing background on coca growers in Bolivia
are being forwarded to you separately.
Andean Commission of Jurists. March
1993. Andean Newsletter [Lima]. No. 76. "Different
Television Nacional Network [La Paz, in
Spanish]. 2 April 1993. "Katarist Liberation Movement Changes
Name." (FBIS-LAT-93-062 2 Apr. 1993, p. 18)
Andean Commission of Jurists. March
1993. Andean Newsletter [Lima]. No. 76. "Different Strokes,"
p. 2.
_____. February 1993. Andean
Newsletter [Lima]. No. 75. "Uprising in Women's Prison," pp.
_____. July 1992. Andean
Newsletter [Lima]. No. 68. "Tupac Katari Offensive," pp.
_____. May 1992. Andean
Newsletter [Lima]. No. 66. "Túpak Katari Guerrilla Army
Leaders Captured," p. 1.
Latin American Newsletters. 17 December
1992. Latin American Regional Reports: Andean Group Report.
"Strange Bedfellows for 1993 Elections." London: Latin American
Newsletters, pp. 6-7.
Presencia [La Paz, in Spanish]. 5
April 1993. "Candidate Sanchez de Losada Details Government
Program." (FBIS-LAT-93-070 14 Apr. 1993, pp. 24-25)
Radio Fides Network [La Paz, in
Spanish]. 17 April 1993. "Independent Polls Show MNR Leading for
June Elections." (FBIS-LAT-93-074 20 Apr. 1993, p. 27)
_____. 8 April 1993. "Fourteen Political
Groups Register for General Election." (FBIS-LAT-93-067 9 Apr.
1993, p. 5)
_____. 14 December 1992. "Tupac Katari
Chief Named Vice Presidential Candidate." (FBIS-LAT-92-241 15
December 1992, p. 16)
Television Nacional Network [La Paz, in
Spanish]. 2 April 1993. "Katarist Liberation Movement Changes
Name." (FBIS-LAT-93-062 2 Apr. 1993, p. 18)
Waltraud Queiser Morales. 1992.
"Militarising the Drug War in Bolivia," Third World
Quarterly [Surrey, UK]. Vol. 13, No. 2. pp. 360-362,