Information on the death of Father Alexander Men [SUN9813]

Please find attached several articles on the murder of Father Alexander Men in September 1990.


BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. 18 May 1991. "Continuing Investigation into Priest's Murder."

Federal News Service. 11 September 1990. "Correspondent Report: Information on Murder of Alexander Men."

The Independent. 23 September 1991. "Who Killed the Faithful Father?..."

_____. 14 September 1990. "Obituary: Fr Alexander Men."

Radio Free Europe. 22 February 1991. Vol. 3, No. 8. Report on the USSR. Antic, Oxana. "Series of Assaults on Russian Orthodox Priests."

Reuters. 4 January 1991, BC Cycle. "Russian Priest Murdered, Was Investigating Colleague's Killing."

_____. 1 October 1990, BC Cycle. "Axe Murder of Russian Priest Stirs Talk of Political Killing."

Soviet Press Digest. 7 October 1991. "Who Killed Father Alexander?"

_____. 31 January 1991. "Details About the Murder of Father Lazarus."

The Times. 6 February 1991. "Third Priest Murdered in Moscow Crime Wave."

_____. 15 September 1990. "Father Aleksandr Men."

The Toronto Star. 23 September 1990. "Soviet Priest's Mysterious Murder Sends Shock Waves Through Nation."