Whether the primary school teachers' trade union (Syndicat des enseignants du premier degré (SEP) was banned by the government in 1996 [DJI31365.E]

Information on whether the primary school teachers' trade union (Syndicat des enseignants de premier degré (SEP) was banned by the government in 1996 could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

However, in a 15 February 1999 e-mail letter to Research Directorate, the former Secretary General of the union of Djiboutian teachers of the second degree (Syndicat des enseignants djiboutiens du second degré-SYNESED) stated that [unofficial translation] "13 SEP and SYNESED Union leaders have been arrested on 14 January 1996 and detained in Nagad detention centre". She added that [unofficial translation], " They were judged on 16 January 1996 for disturbing public order". According to Libération [unofficial translation], the security forces also banned all gatherings by the primary school teachers at their union headquarters (15 Jan. 1996, 8).

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Libération [Paris]. 15 January 1996. "Djibouti: rafle chez les enseignants".

Syndicat des enseignants djiboutiens du second degré (SYNESED). 15 February 1999. Former SYNESED Secretary general. E-mail letter sent to Research Directorate.


Syndicat des enseignants djiboutiens du second degré (SYNESED). 15 February 1999. Former SYNESED Secretary general. E-mail letter sent to Research Directorate.

Additional Sources Consulted

Africa Confidential [London]. 1996-1998.

Africa Research Bulletin [London]. 1996-1998.

Fédération internationale des ligue s des droits de l'homme [FIDH]. Rapports de 1996-1998.

The Indian Ocean Newsletter [Paris]. 1996.

Keesing'e Record of World Events [Cambridge]. 1996.

Electronic Sources: Internet, LEXIS/NEXIS, World News Connection (WNC).

Unsuccessful attempts to contact teachers' unions leaders.