Arrest and detention of two specific individuals in Tabasco in 1998 or 1999; reports of abuses against Presbyterian Church workers in Tabasco since 1998 [MEX37665.E]

No reports on the arrest or jailing of two individuals specified in this information request could be found among the published sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

No reports of abuses directed against Presbyterian Church workers in the State of Tabasco since 1998 could be found among the sources consulted.

Representatives at the non-governmental Tabasco Human Rights Committee (CODEHUTAB) and the Tabasco State Human Rights Commission (CEDH) stated during telephone interviews that their organizations do not have any recent reports of abuses against Presbyterian Church members in Tabasco as a result of their religious affiliation or work (CODEHUTAB 8 Aug. 2001; CEDH 9 Aug. 2001). However, both sources stated that this does not preclude the possibility of an incident that may have occurred and gone unreported, and which could be investigated if specific details were available (ibid.; CODEHUTAB 9 Aug. 2001).

The CEDH concentrates mostly on cases involving state officials or public servants, although a case of abuse or discrimination on religious grounds could fall under its mandate (CEDH 9 Aug. 2001).

According to representatives at CODEHUTAB, there are several Presbyterian churches in the State of Tabasco (8 Aug. 2001). At least for the past three years no public or publicly reported abuses against Presbyterians in relation to their religious affiliation or work have come to the attention of the Committee, although this does not exclude the possibility of an incident having gone unreported (ibid. 9 Aug. 2001).

During a 9 August 2001 telephone interview, a representative at a Presbyterian Church in the Federal District of Mexico stated that there are four main Presbyterian congregations with a presence throughout Mexico, in addition to many other Presbyterian churches around the country that do not belong to any of those four. According to the representative, the largest is the Iglesia Nacional Pentecostal, and the second largest is the Iglesia Nacional Pentecostal Conservadora (ibid.).

The Research Directorate was unable to communicate with central offices of either religious institution within the constraints of this Response.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos (CEDH) de Tabasco, Villahermosa. 9 August 2001. Telephone interview with representative.

Comité de Derechos Humanos de Tabasco, A.C. (CODEHUTAB), Villahermosa. 8 and 9 August. Telephone interviews with representatives.

Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana Bethel, Mexico City. 9 August 2001. Telephone interview with representative.

Additional Sources Consulted

Annual Report on International Religious Freedom 1999-2000. 1999-2000.

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 1998-2000. 1999-2001.

El Universal [Mexico City]. Searchable archives. 1999-2000.

La Jornada [Mexico City]. Searchable archives. 1998-2000.

Mexico (International Christian Concern Country Profile and Chronology). 16 July 2001.

IRB Databases.


This list is not exhaustive. Country and subject-related publications available at the Resource Centre are not included.