Information on the type of information collected from refugee claimants who want to register their children at elementary and secondary schools in Ottawa [CAN25542.E]

The attached information package from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) provides information relating to student authorizations. This package includes a section on federal legislation regarding student authorizations and two separate CIC brochures (IMM-5217E [01-96] Forms and Instructions; IMM-9997E [01-96]) which provide information on student authorization applications.

The attached 27 November 1996 package received by the DIRB from the Carleton Board of Education provides information on this school board's admission procedures regarding children of refugee claimants. The package contains a cover letter explaining the procedure, Section 49 of Ontario's Education Act regarding fees payable, a copy of the Student Attendance Permit (Form CB 220), a copy of the form entitled "Application for Admission to Elementary School" (form CB 224) and a student information sheet for admission to the secondary level.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Carleton Board of Education (CBE), Nepean. 26 November 1996. Information package.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Ottawa. nd. Information package received by the DIRB on 2 December 1996