Information on the Anti-Corruption Movement (MAC), 1984-1993 [VEN13643]

According to a researcher with the Venezuelan Program for Action and Education in Human Rights (PROVEA) in Caracas, PROVEA has no entry for a group with the above-stated names or acronym in its database of political and social action groups, nor has the program's research staff ever heard of it (16 Apr. 1993). Although this does not necessarily mean the group does not exist, according to the source it does mean that it is not well known and would not be a significant organization (Ibid.). A number of groups have been fighting government corruption in Venezuela over the last decade, most or all of which have a visible head or leader (Ibid.). Although some of the groups do not have formal names, these groups are known by the people who lead and work for them (Ibid.).

Additional and/or corroborating information could not be found among the sources currently available to the DIRB.


Venezuelan Program for Action and Education in Human Rights (PROVEA), Caracas. 16 April 1993. Telephone Interview with Researcher.