a-6240 (ACC-ZWE-6240)
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Chronologien aktueller politischer Entwicklungen
„Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai on Monday signed a framework deal committing their political parties to talks to end the country's deep crisis. Here is a chronology of events since the widely condemned June 27 run-off presidential election, boycotted by Tsvangirai and his opposition Movement for Democratic Change.“ (Reuters AlertNet, 21. Juli 2008)
“Here is a chronology of the main developments since Zimbabwe's presidential, parliamentary and local elections took place on March 29.” (Reuters Fourndation, 12. Juli 2008)
„A chronology of the main developments since Zimbabwe's presidential, parliamentary and local elections on March 29“ (The Guardian, 22. Juni 2008)
“Zimbabwe's ruling ZANU-PF party endorsed President Robert Mugabe on Thursday as its candidate in the 2008 presidential election, opening the way for the 83-year-old to extend his rule for another five years. Following are some major events in Zimbabwe's recent political crisis:” (Reuters Foundation, 13. Dezember 2007)
Menschenrechtslage – Überblick
Das UK Home Office bietet im Juli 2008 eine Zusammenstellung verschiedener Quellen zu politischen und menschenrechtsrelevanten Ereignisse seit den Präsidentschaftswahlen vom 29. März 2008:
Informationen zur Situation von MenschenrechtsaktivistInnen, JournalistInnen und politischen Oppositionellen finden sich im Abschnitt Zimbabwe (S. 97 – 101) des folgenden Berichts:
Detaillierte Informationen zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch Polizisten und Soldaten, sowie „Kriegsveteranen“ und ZANU-PF-Mitglieder, zu Einschüchterungen und Schikanierungen von MenschenrechtsaktivistInnen, sowie Verletzungen nationaler Gesetze und regionaler wie internationaler Menschenrechtsstandards finden sich in folgendem Bericht von Amnesty International vom Juni 2008:
„Amnesty International today warned that the violence in Zimbabwe is reaching crisis levels, and revealed that “war veterans” are forcibly recruiting local youths to attack perceived supporters of the opposition MDC (Movement for Democratic Change).“ (AI, 15. Mai 2008)
“Human rights organisations say hundreds of people have fled rural areas where the army, police and war veterans have spearheaded terror campaigns against civilians for daring to vote against ZANU-PF, the party of President Robert Mugabe, in the 29 March poll.” (IRIN, 17. April 2008)
“Patterns of human rights violations against defenders, including main perpetrators: 1. Legal sanction and restrictive legislation 2. Arrest, police assault, acts of torture (sometimes leading to death) and arbitrary detentions 3. Surveillance visits and breakdown of offices 4. Death threats, harassment and acts of intimidation 5. Defamation and media hate propaganda 6. Abductions and disappearances 7. Restriction on public meetings and events 8. Denial of food supplies and other basic services 9. Restriction on movement and travel abroad 10. Access to financial resources and restriction on bank transaction” (OMCT/FIDH, März 2008, Inhaltsverzeichnis)
„The Zimbabwean leadership engaged in a renewed violent crackdown on the political opposition in 2007, including hundreds of arrests and scores of beatings by security forces and progovernment gangs. A series of bans on political gatherings and ad hoc curfews further restricted political and civil liberties during the year, and the authorities continued to repress independent media. Nevertheless, negotiations between the government and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) led to an apparent consensus on political reforms and plans for presidential and parliamentary elections in 2008, although there was scant evidence that the polls would be either free or fair. Meanwhile, Zimbabwe’s economic crisis worsened, with inflation reaching almost 8,000 percent by November. Public health and development was threatened further by a breakdown in basic services.“ (FH, 2. Juli 2008)
Allgemeine Informationen zur Menschenrechtslage im Jahr 2007 finden sich in den folgenden beiden Berichten:
„The human rights situation in Zimbabwe continued to deteriorate in 2007 with an increase in organized violence and torture, and restrictions on the rights to freedom of association, assembly and expression. Hundreds of human rights defenders and members of the main opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), were arrested for participating in peaceful gatherings. Scores were tortured while in police custody. The economy continued to decline. About four million people required food aid due to the declining economy, erratic rains and shortage of agricultural inputs such as maize seed and fertilizer. Victims of the 2005 mass forced evictions continued to live in deplorable conditions, and the government failed to remedy their situation.“ (AI, 28. Mai 2008)
“The government engaged in the pervasive and systematic abuse of human rights, which increased significantly during the year. The ruling party's dominant control and manipulation of the political process through intimidation and corruption effectively negated the right of citizens to change their government. Unlawful killings and politically motivated abductions occurred. State-sanctioned use of excessive force increased, and security forces tortured members of the opposition, student leaders, and civil society activists. Prison conditions were harsh and life threatening. Security forces, who often acted with impunity, arbitrarily arrested and detained the opposition, members of civil society, labor leaders, journalists, demonstrators, and religious leaders; lengthy pretrial detention was a problem. Executive influence and interference in the judiciary were problems. The government continued to evict citizens and to demolish informal marketplaces. The government continued to use repressive laws to suppress freedoms of speech, press, association, academic freedom, assembly, and movement. Government corruption remained widespread. High-ranking government officials made numerous public threats of violence against demonstrators. The following human rights violations also continued to occur: harassment of human rights and humanitarian nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and interference with their attempts to provide humanitarian assistance; violence and discrimination against women; trafficking of women and children; discrimination against persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, homosexuals, and persons living with HIV/AIDS; harassment and interference with labor organizations critical of government policies; child labor; and forced labor, including of children.” (USDOS, 11. März 2008, Intro)
Diese Informationen beruhen auf einer zeitlich begrenzten Recherche in öffentlich zugänglichen Dokumenten, die ACCORD derzeit zur Verfügung stehen. Diese Antwort stellt keine Meinung zum Inhalt eines bestimmten Ansuchens um Asyl oder anderen internationalen Schutz dar. Wir empfehlen, die verwendeten Materialien zur Gänze durchzusehen.