Information on the law governing the recall of nationals who have completed their military service [ROM13935]

According to a representative of the office of the military attaché of the Embassy of Romania in Washington D.C., nationals who have completed their military service are considered reservists (9 June 1993). Military cadres and soldiers are not subject to recall; only officers can be recalled for short-term training (Ibid.). The training provided to officers is not carried out on a regular basis and its length varies from one to three months, depending on the specialty and rank (Ibid.). In addition, please find attached a copy of Comments Concerning Provisions Provided in the Draft Military Service Law, Outlining Compulsory Military Service Regulations and the Preparation of the Population for Defense, which was faxed to our office on 2 September 1992 by the Embassy of Romania in Ottawa, and translated into English by the Department of the Secretary of State.

Additional and/or corroborating information on the above subject could not be found among the sources currently available to the DIRB.


Embassy of Romania, Office of the Military Attaché, Washington, D.C. 9 June 1993. Telephone Interview with Representative.

Romania. Comments Concerning Provisions Provided in the Draft Military Service Law, Outlining Compulsory Military Service Regulations and the Preparation of the Population for Defense. Fax Transmission from the Embassy of Romania, Ottawa. Translated by the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada.


Romania. Comments Concerning Provisions Provided in the Draft Military Service Law, Outlining Compulsory Military Service Regulations and the Preparation of the Population for Defense. Fax Transmission from the Embassy of Romania, Ottawa. Translated by the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada.