Political party in control of the City of Mendoza between 1996 and 2001; whether one must support the party in power in order to work as a municipal police officer in the City of Mendoza [ARG37206.E]

Between 1995 and 1999, the municipal intendant (intendente) of the City of Mendoza was Roberto Iglesias of the Radical Civic Union (Unión Cívica Radical, UCR) (Clarín 12 Dec. 1999; Comité Nacional de la Unión Cívica Radical 1997; ibid. 30 Oct. 2000; Reunión Virtual de Administradores Aug. 1998), one the parties which formed the Alliance (Alianza) in 1997 (Todo Argentina 2000). Raúl Vicchi, also of the Alliance, has served as intendant of Mendoza since 1999 (Gobernación de Mendoza 2001).

In a 14 March 2001 report, the Mendoza newspaper Diario Los Andes stated that Raúl Levrino of the Alliance had been re-elected as president of the Honourable Deliberative Council (Honorable Concejo Deliberante) of the City of Mendoza. This information was corroborated by a representative of the Office of the President of the Honourable Deliberative Council (Oficina del Presidente del Honorable Concejo Deliberante), who further indicated that Levrino has served as council president since 1995 (24 May 2001).

No reports indicating that one must belong to or support the political party in power at the municipal level in order to be hired or work as a municipal police officer could be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Clarín [Buenos Aires]. 12 December 1999. "Asumieron los mandatarios electos en ocho provincias." http://www.clarin.com.ar/ [Accessed 24 May 2001]

Comité Nacional de la Unión Cívica Radical. 30 October 2000. "Conmemoración del 30 de octubre." http://www.ucr.org.ar/Gacetillas/co01110.htm [Accessed 1 June 2001]

_____. 1997. "Los intendentes radicales." http://www.mpmunicipios.com.ar/biblioteca/lecmuni/intend1.pdf [Accessed 24 May 2001]

Diario Los Andes [Mendoza]. 14 March 2001. "Levrino sigue al frente del Concejo de Capital." [Accessed 15 Mar. 2001]

Gobernación de Mendoza. 2001. "Nómina de autoridades provinciales." http://www.mendoza.gov.ar/paginas/nominaautoridades.html [Accessed 1 June 2001]

Oficina del Presidente del Honorable Concejo Deliberante, Mendoza. 24 May 2001. Telephone interview with representative.

Reunión Virtual de Administradores [Buenos Aires]. August 1998. No. 94. "Reunión con el intendente. " http://www.reunion-adm.com/numeros/94/notas/nota25.htm [Accessed 24 May 2001]

Todo Argentina. 2000. "Historia argentina." http://www.todo-argentina.net/historia/hist_elec/men95_delar99.htm [Accessed 6 June 2001]

Additional Sources Consulted

IRB databases.

Subsecretaría de Trabajo y Seguridad Social.

Internet sites including:

Canal 9 Televida [Mendoza]. Sintesis de noticias. Aug. 2000-May 2001.

Clarín [Buenos Aires]. 1997-2001.

Corrupción Policial, Judicial y Politica en la República Argentina.

Diario Los Andes [Mendoza]. Feb.-May; Sept. 2000-May 2001.

Human Rights Watch.

La Nación [Buenos Aires]. 1997-2001.