Dokument #1076645
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
According to a consular officer at the
Embassy of Ukraine in Ottawa, a Ukrainian citizen would lose
his/her Ukrainian citizenship if he/she acquires a foreign
citizenship (11 Feb. 1993). The Ukrainian law on citizenship
provides that "[d]ual citizenship is permitted on the basis of
bilateral interstate treaties" (Pravda Ukrainy 14 Nov.
1991). The consular officer explained that in practice, unless a
bilateral interstate treaty exists, a Ukrainian citizen will lose
his/her Ukrainian citizenship (11 Feb. 1993).
A research analyst at the U.S. Department
of State confirmed that although the law does not expressly state
that Ukrainian citizenship will be lost if a Ukrainian citizen
adopts another foreign citizenship, in practice it is implied (11
Feb. 1993).
Embassy of Ukraine, Ottawa. 11 February
1993. Telephone interview with consular officer.
Pravda Ukrainy [Kiev]. 14
November 1991. "Ukrainian Law 'On Ukrainian Citizenship,'" p. 2.
U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. 11 February 1993.
Telephone interview with research analyst.