Dokument #1075846
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
Information on this subject is scarce.
According to a researcher at the York
Centre for Refugee Studies in Toronto, the Young Women's Christian
Association is part of the Sudan Council of Churches (4 Jan. 1992).
Although not disbanded, the Sudan Council of Churches is under
surveillance by the central government (Ibid.).
Additional and/or corroborating information
on this subject is currently unavailable to the DIRB in Ottawa.
For information on the treatment of
Christians in Sudan, on youth and on women's organizations please
find the attached documents.
York Centre for Refugee Studies. 4
January 1992. Telephone Interview with Researcher.
Angel, William. 1990. Youth Movements
of the World. London, U.K.: Longman Current Affairs.
New Sudan Council of Churches, New York.
1 September 1992. Letter addressed to "Friends of NSCC" (Copy faxed
to DIRB on 4 Jan. 1992 by the African Council of Churches).
Shreir, Sally. 1988. Women's
Movements of the World. Keesing's Reference Publication.
London, U.K.: Longman Publisher.