Dokument #1072672
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
In an 18 February 1997 telephone interview,
an official at the High Commission for the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka in Ottawa stated that plantation Tamils of
Indian origin live in Badulla town, the main town in Badulla
district, Uva province (18 Feb. 1997). The official was unable to
provide population statistics. The official stated that these
Tamils do not experience any problems in Badulla town and stressed
that there is no armed conflict in the area. He added that Badulla
town is under government control (ibid.). According to the Ceylon
Tourist Board in Colombo, approximately 20 per cent of the
population of Badulla town is Tamil, whereas in the tea estates
surrounding Badulla town, approximately 60 to 75 per cent of the
population is Tamil (19 Feb. 1997).
According to the map from the February 1996
Minority Rights Group (MRG) publication Sri Lanka: A Bitter
Harvest, the population in Badulla district is 68.5 per cent
Sinhalese, 21.1 per cent Up-Country Tamil, 5.7 per cent Sri Lankan
Tamil, 4.2 per cent Muslim and 0.5 per cent other (9). Please
consult the attached map from the World Directory of
Minorities for an ethnic breakdown of the Sri Lanka
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does
not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular
claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of
additional sources consulted in researching this Information
Ceylon Tourist Board, Colombo. 19
February 1997. Telephone interview with representative.
High Commission for the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Ottawa. 18 February 1997.
Telephone interview with official.
Minority Rights Group (MRG). February
1996. Elizabeth Nissan. Sri Lanka: A Bitter Harvest.
London: MRG.
Minority Rights Group International.
1990. The World Directory of Minorities. The High, Harlow,
Essex: Longman Group UK.
Minority Rights Group (MRG). February
1996. Elizabeth Nissan. Sri Lanka: A Bitter Harvest.
London: MRG, p. 9.
Minority Rights Group International.
1990. The World Directory of Minorities. The High, Harlow,
Essex: Longman Group UK, p. 323.
Additional Sources Consulted
The Encyclopedia of the Third World.
The Europa World Year Book
1996. 1996.
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
(FBIS) Daily Reports. (Internet)
The New Encyclopaedia
Britannica. 1989.
Political Handbook of the World:
1995-1996. 1996.
Refugee Branch Asylum Division (RBAD),
Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Ottawa. Infrequent reports.
1996 to present.
SHARENet database.
Sri Lanka: A Country Study.
Sri Lanka: A Travel Survival
Kit. May 1993.
On-line search of media sources.