Information on the White Paper published by the Desh Punjab Student Union of the Punjab University in Patiala, with an introduction written by Mr. Ajit Singh Bains, former Justice of the Punjab High Court. [IND5940]

No information is currently available on the White Paper published by the Desh Punjab Student Union of the Punjab University in Patiala. However, the Indian Government put together a White Paper on the events in Punjab on 10 July 1983 (Noorani, p.145-161). A brief biographic note on former Justice Ajit Singh Bains, also Chairman of the Punjab Human Rights Organization, is available in one of his books currently in the holdings of the IRBDC Resource Centre in Ottawa (Bains, last cover page).


Bains, Ajit Singh, Siege of the Sikhs: Violations of Human Rights in Punjab, Toronto: The New Magazine, 1988, last cover page.

Noorani, A.G. "A White Paper on a Black Record", The Illustrated Weekly of India, 22 July 1984, reprinted in Punjab: The Fatal Miscalculation: Principles on Unprincipled Politics, Patwant Singh and Harji Malik, eds., New Delhi: Patwant Singh, 1985, p.145-161.