Dokument #1037828
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
Please find attached a number of articles
which provide information related to this topic.
BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. 12
January 1993. "Russia's Regions; Shaymiyev Interviewed on Relations
with the Russian Republic." (NEXIS)
Black, J.L. October 1991.
Inter-ethnic Conflict in the USSR, 1990-91...." Department
of National Defence Canada Operational Research and Analysis
Establishment Extra Mural Paper No. 59, pp. 52.
The Economist. 28 March 1992.
"Ta-tar?" p. 49-50.
Moscow News. 25 November 1992.
Viktor Radzievsky and Lia Shakirova. "Compromise Doesn't Suit
Radicals." (NEXIS)
National Geographic. March 1993.
Vol. 183, No. 3. Mike Edwards. "Russia: Playing by New Rules," pp.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. 29 May
1992. RFE/RL Research Report [Munich]. Vol. 1, No. 22. Ann
Sheehy. "Tatarstan and Bashkiria: Obstacles to Confederation," pp.
Russian Press Digest. 21 November
1992. Nikolai Morozov. "Where is Tatarstan Moving to?" (NEXIS)
_____. 23 January 1993. Alexander
Balashov. "Tatarstan Stays in Russia." (NEXIS)