Dokument #1029023
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
1) The "Partido Bloquista de San Juan"
(translated by some sources as the San Juan Bloc Party [
Political Handbook of the World: 1988, (New york: CSA
Publications/State University of New York), 1988, p. 29; Latin
American Political Movements, (London: Longman Publishing
Group, 1986), page 6.]) is a provincial party which won the San
Juan provincial elections in August 1987 with 31 percent of the
vote, competing against the Unión Cívica Radical
(UCR) party and the Justicialista party (PJ, commonly known as
Peronistas). Two years earlier, the Bloquista party came in third
place with 20 percent of the vote in the 1985 provincial elections.
[ Latin American Weekly Report, 20 August 1987, p. 11.]
According to the Embassy of Argentina in Ottawa [As communicated
through telephone on 22 December 1989.], the current Governor of
the province of San Juan is Mr. Gómez Centurión, of
the San Juan Bloquista party which, according to the source, is not
allied to the UCR or the PJ and is the strongest in San Juan
province. The same source stated that Mr. Gómez
Centurión has visited Canada a number of times, and that his
party has good relations with the Province of Québec. The
book Latin American Political Movements describes the
Bloquista party as having a "regionalist" orientation holding, at
the time of the book's printing, all two seats representing San
Juan province in the nation's Senate.
Although information on alliances between
the "Bloquista" party and other political groups could not be found
among the available sources, one source states that major national
parties seek support from minor provincial parties because of the
latter's participation in the national Congress. [ Latin
American Weekly Report, 3 September 1987.]
Additional and corroborating information on
the subject could not be found among the sources currently
available to the IRBDC.
2) Information on a party called "Cruzada
Renovadora" (Renewalist Crusade) could not be found among the
sources currently available to the IRBDC other than those already
available to the requester. One source [ Political Handbook of
the World: 1988, pp. 28-29.] mentions the existence of a
provincial party called "Partido Renovador de Salta" (PRS - Salta
Renewalist Party), as well as a Buenos Aires provincial political
group called "Frente Renovador, Justicia, Democracia y
Participación" (Frejudepa - Front of Renewal, Justice,
Democracy and Participation) described as a minor formation which
allied with Christian Democrats and "oficialistas" of the PJ. The
same source indicates a cleavage within the PJ occurred in 1985
with the faction called "Corriente Renovadora" (Renewalist Current
or Trend), reportedly formed by "moderate unionists and students
calling for a more democratic party structure", [ Ibid, p.
28.] and its rival "oficialista" faction presenting separate lists
of candidates for the 1985 legislative elections. Please find
attached a copy of pages 27-29 of Political handbook of the
World: 1988 and pages 8-9 of Latin American Political
Movements, which contain information on the Renewalists within
the PJ and a reference to the "Bloquista" party.
Other sources repeat or corroborate some of
the information contained therein. The Europa Year Book
1989, (London: Europa Publications, 1989), p. 358, states that
the "Frente Renovador" (Renewalist Front, described as a reformist
wing of the PJ) was formed in 1985 and is currently led by Carlos
Menem and Antonio Cafiero. The Renewalist wing reportedly controls
the PJ since 1987. [ Latin American Weekly Report, 22
October 1987, p. 11.] Renewalist union leaders were reportedly
included in the recently installed Menem government, [ Latin
American Weekly Report, 22 June 1989, p. 3.] although more
recently labour sectors which originally supported the government
have now split into Pro-Menem and Anti-Menem factions. [ Latin
American Weekly Report, 21 December 1989, p. 4.]
3) Various documents report the banning of
all political parties following the 1976 military coup and the
legalization of most political parties under Gral. Bignone's
government in 1982, although a degree of political activity was
allowed since 1978. However, specific information on persecution of
Bloquista members since 1976 could not be found among the sources
currently available to the IRBDC.
4) The only major incident since the May
1989 elections in Argentina were the widespread riots and looting
which followed a sharp increase in prices. This occurred in
late-May and early-June of 1989, although under the Alfonsín
administration. Various reports indicate about fourteen people were
killed and about 100 were injured; the government declared a state
of siege, with soldiers patrolling streets and arresting looters.
Although many people were arrested for some time without trial,
most were later released. Please find attached a copy of an article
which summarises what is referred to as the "food riots": "3
leaders of left wing arrested in Argentina", from The Globe and
Mail, 2 June 1989, p. A1. This article also mentions the arrest
of three leaders of the Trotskyist Workers' Party, charged with
inciting riots.
Another issue regarding Human Rights since
the May 1989 elections were the presidential pardons granted to a
number of military officers and guerrillas convicted for different
crimes under the Alfonsín administration. This pardon,
granted by Carlos Menem, has created a controversy widely reported
by the press.
On 29 November 1989 the police reported the
discovery and capture of two individuals and a large cache of
weapons and military uniforms in La Plata, although political links
reportedly could not be established. [ "Police Raid Uncovers Cache
of Weapons, Uniforms", Noticias Argentinas [Buenos Aires, in
Spanish], (FBIS-LAT-89-229), 30 November 1989, p. 44.]
Finally, the Argentine Jewish community has
reportedly expressed concern over the support given to Menem by
some groups such as "The Guard of Iron" as well as known
anti-semite individuals. [ Latin American Weekly Report, 27
July 1989, p. 5.]
Other reports on the Human Rights situation
in Argentina since Menem was elected President could not be found
among the sources currently available to the IRBDC.