Dokument #1024786
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
Kushtia, one of ten zilas in Khulna Division, is composed of four constituencies - Kushtia-1, Kushtia-2, Kusktia-3 and Kushtia-4 (Statistical Pocketbook of Bangladesh 1995 Jan. 1996, 111-12). Kushtia-2 constituency is composed of two thanas - Mirpur Thana and Veramara Thana (Handbook on Election Reporting 1995, 214; Virtual Bangladesh 23 Oct. 1999). Kushtia-2 riding was won by BNP candidate Abdur Rouf Chowdury in the 1991 election (Statistical Pocketbook of Bangladesh 1994 Jan. 1995, 13; Handbook on Election Reporting 1995, 214), and by BNP candidate Prof. Shahidul Islam in the 19 June 1996 election (Statistical Pocketbook of Bangladesh 1996 Jan. 1997, 15; Virtual Bangladesh 23 Oct. 1999).
This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.
Handbook on Election Reporting.
1995. Edited by Q.A. Tahmina, Philip Gain and Shishir Moral. Dhaka:
Society for Environment and Human Development (SEHD).
Statistical Pocketbook of Bangladesh
1996. January 1997. Dhaka: Bangladesh Bureau of
Statistical Pocketbook of Bangladesh
1995. January 1996. Dhaka: Bangladesh Bureau of
Statistical Pocketbook of Bangladesh
1994. January 1995. Dhaka: Bangladesh Bureau of
Virtual Bangladesh. 23 October 1999
(last update). "Politics: Election Results by Constituency."
[Accessed 14 Aug. 2000]
Additional Sources Consulted
Europa 2000. 2000.
IRB databases.
Political Handbook of the World:
1999. 1999.
World News Connection (WNC).
Internet sites including:
Bangladesh Elections Commission.
Bangladesh Jatiya Sangsad.
Elections Around the World.
The Independent [Dhaka].
Lijphart Elections Archive.