Names of all candidates who ran for the Civic United Front (CUF) in 1995 elections in Zanzibar and the districts in which they ran [TZA31855.E]

No mention of the Zanzibar districts in which the CUF candidates ran during the 1995 elections nor of the names of candidates other than the two Presidential contenders could be found among sources consulted.

According to The Indian Ocean Newsletter of 28 October 1995, the CUF contender for the Zanzibar presidential race was Seif Sharif Hamad.

An October 1995 article in the New African states the CUF "...chose Prof. Nguyuru Lipumba, a Dar es Salaam economics professor, as its (national) presidential candidate."

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please see below the list of additional sources consulted.


The Indian Ocean Newsletter [Paris]. 28 October 1995. No. 691. "Zanzibar Ballot in a Grey Fog."

New African [London]. October 1995. "Time to Choose."

Additional Sources Consulted

Africa Research Bulletin. 1 to 30 September 1995. "Tanzania: Presidential Promises."

The Europa World Yearbook 1997. 1997.

The Indian Ocean Newsletter. 11 November 1995.

Internet: The Express Newspaper, United Nations Development Programme, Organization for African Unity, Commonwealth Secretariat, Library of Congress, WNC, NEXIS, IRB Databases.

Unsuccessful attempts at contacting the National Electoral Commission in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar and the offices of the CUF in Dar es Salaam.