Dokument #1006262
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
Please find attached an English translation
of the Law on the Passport System in the USSR. Regulations
related to residence permits (propiski) in the former Soviet
Union are provided on pages 13 to 26 of this document. The document
refers to residence permit stamps, termination of residence stamps,
temporary resident stamps and registration of residence, but does
not refer specifically to classes of residence permits (pp.13-18).
Conditions of issue and termination are provided on pages 13-18.
Information is also given on penalties which may be applied to
nationals living without a residence stamp or registration and to
other individuals who may be held responsible for allowing a Soviet
national to be without a residence stamp or registration (p.19-20).
Additional regulations related to residence permit stamps and
registration of certain types of individuals, including spouses,
children, servicemen, and students, are provided on pages
In addition, please find attached an
excerpt from Le droit retrouvé? which refers to the
Soviet law on internal passports and propiski.
USSR Code of Laws. Vol. 10.
"Law on the Passport System in the USSR." (Confirmed by a
decree of the USSR Council of Ministers of August 28, 1974, No.
Marie, Nadine. 1989. Le droit
retrouvé? Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, pp.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. 27
March 1992. Vol. 1, No. . RFE/RL Research Report [Munich].
Carla Thorson. "Legacy of the Ussr Constitutional Supervision
USSR Code of Laws. Vol. 10. "In
the Matter of the Ratification of the Law on the Passport System
in the USSR." (Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers. 28
August 1974. No. 677)
_____. "Law on the Passport System in
the USSR." (Confirmed by a decree of the USSR Council of
Ministers of August 28, 1974, No. 677).