Dokument #1005711
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
Since 1946 this party has consisted of the
right wing of the original Nationalist Party [founded in 1907]. It
came to power in November 1952, when Ramén Magsaysay (who
had been a member of the Liberal Party until March of that year)
was elected President, and it retained the presidency until 1961.
In 1965 the party was joined by Ferdinand Marcos (who had until
then been a member of the Liberal Party), and in November 1965 he
was, as the Nationalist Party's candidate, elected President. He
has been in power since then. After the establishment of the New
Society Movement the party went into opposition but had some
limited success in the provincial, municipal and local elections
held in January 1980.
Prior to the 1981 presidential elections
the party was split, with a majority of delegates electing Jose
Laurel as party president in place of Jose Roy. The latter's
faction, however, nominated Alejo S. Santos as the party's
presidential candidate (who came second...). President Marcos had
allowed the NP to take part in the elections but had stated on Jan.
18 1981, that he would challenge any NP victory as the party had
been dismantled on the establishment of his New Society Movement in
1978 a claim which was rejected by Jose Roy. In 1982 the NP joined
the United (Nationalist) Democratic Organization (UNIDO).
Source: Alan J. Day & Henry W.
Degenhardt, Political Parties of the World, 2nd ed. New
York: Longman, 1984.
-For information on the United Democratic Organization (UNIDO)
please refer to the accompanying excerpt from the World
Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties, George E.
Delury, ed. (New York: Facts on File Publications, 1987).
-For current information on Philippines' politics please see
Keesing's Record of World Events and assorted news clippings
which are also attached. The state of human rights in the country
can be found in Amnesty International's Philippines: Unlawful
Killings by Military and Paramilitary Forces which is included
in this package, as well as in other, more recent AI publications
found in the regional documentation centre in Calgary.