Dokument #1003618
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
According to a report by the Inter-NGO
Committee Report for Somalia (INCS-UK), following the visit of two
representatives to the north-east and central region between 17 and
30 September 1991, intermittent fighting continues in Galgaduud and
in southern Mudug (south of a line between Galkaiyo and Garad)
between the Habir Gedir Saad (Hawiye sub-clan) United Somali
Congress (USC) and the Majerteen (Darood sub-clan) dominated Somali
Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF) (Inter-NGO Committee for Somalia
October 1991, 1, 12). At the time of the visit Galkaiyo was
controlled by the SSDF and the USC controlled southeastern Mudug,
including Hobbiyo and Haradera (Ibid.) The Habir Gedir Saad
is the clan of General Mohamed Farah Aideed of the USC
The INCS-UK report on southern Somalia of
August 1991, indicates that the Ogaden (Darood sub-clan) Somali
Patriotic Movement (SPM) controlled Middle and Lower Jubba and part
of Lower Shabelle, from the Kenyan borders to Brava (Inter-NGO
Committee for Somalia August 1991, 9). The USC reportedly
controlled the northern part of Lower Shabelle, from Afgoi
along the coast and south to Bay region to the west (Inter-NGO
Committee for Somalia August 1991, 36). For further information
please refer to the attached excerpts of the above-mentioned
The attached articles from New
African and Jeune Afrique provide different
illustrations of areas of the country where various political group
are operating (September 1991; 30 January - 5 February 1992).
Additional and/or corroborating information
on this subject could not be found among the sources currently
available to the IRBDC in Ottawa.
Inter-NGO Committee for Somalia
[London]. October 1991. "A Report of the Assessment Mission to
Bari, Nugaal and Mudug Regions of Somalia From September 17th to
September 30th." pp. 1, 9, 12, 100, 101, 108, 109.
Inter-NGO Committee for Somalia
[London]. August 1991. "A Report to the Inter-NGO Committee for
Somalia on a Visit to Southern Somalia, Mogadishu and Kismayo 13th
- 24th July 1991." pp. 7-9, 36, 40, 41.
Jeune Afrique [Paris]. 30 January
- 5 February 1992. Yared, Marc. "La Somalie à feu et
à sang."
New African [London]. September
1991. "Fresh Start."
New African [London]. November
1991. "Somalia's Political Patchwork."
Inter-NGO Committee for Somalia
[London]. October 1991. "A Report of the Assessment Mission to
Bari, Nugaal and Mudug Regions of Somalia From September 17th to
September 30th."
pp. 1, 9, 12, 100, 101, 108, 109.
Inter-NGO Committee for Somalia
[London]. August 1991. "A Report to the Inter-NGO Committee for
Somalia on a Visit to Southern Somalia, Mogadishu and Kismayo 13th
- 24th July 1991." pp. 7-9, 36, 40, 41.
Jeune Afrique [Paris]. 30 January
- 5 February 1992. Yared, Marc. "La Somalie à feu et
à sang."
New African [London]. September
1991. "Fresh Start."
New African [London]. November
1991. "Somalia's Political Patchwork."