6 July 2018 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Decree of 6 July 2018, establishing the composition and operating procedures of the National Commission for the Coordination of Measures to Combat and Prevent Trafficking in Human Beings
Décret n° 2-17-740 du 22 chaoual 1439 (6 juillet 2018) fixant la composition et les modalités de fonctionnement de la Commission nationale chargée de la coordination des mesures ayant pour but la lutte et la prévention de la traite des êtres humains. (National Law, French)
1 April 2010 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Decree of 1 April 2010 on illegal emigration and immigration
Décret n° 2-09-607 du 15 rabii II 1431 (1er avril 2010) pris pour l'application de la loi n° 02-03 relative à l'entrée et au séjour des étrangers au Royaume du Maroc, à l'émigration et l'immigration irrégulières. (National Law, French)
1 August 2005 | ICNL – International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (Author)
Decree on the recogition of public benefit for associations (unofficial translation)
Decree to Implement the Decree on the Right to Establish Associations (Prime Ministerial Decree 2-04-969 of 2005) (National Law, English)
3 February 2004 | National Legislative Bodies (Author)
French full text of law associated with Full text of the Family Code of 3 February 2004 (Moudawana)
Code de la Famille; la Moudawana (National Law, French)
3 February 2004 | National Legislative Bodies (Author)
Unofficial English translation of law by Human Rights Education Associates associated with Full text of the Family Code of 3 February 2004 (Moudawana)
Code de la Famille; la Moudawana (National Law, English)
3 February 2004 | National Legislative Bodies (Author)
French practical guide of law associated with Full text of the Family Code of 3 February 2004 (Moudawana)
Code de la Famille; la Moudawana (National Law, French)
23 July 2002 | ICNL – International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (Author)
Decree on the Right to Establish Associations (unofficial translation)
Decree on the Right to Establish Associations (Decree 1-58-376 of 1958 as amended by Decree 1-733-283 of 1973 and Decree 1-02-206 of 2002) (National Law, English)
15 May 2002 | LLRX – Law Library Resource Xchange (Author)
Guide to Legal Research (by Dahmène Touchent)
Guide to the Morocco Legal System (by Dahmène Touchent) (National Law, English)
13 September 1996 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
English full text translation of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco of 13 September 1996
Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco (National Law, English)
13 September 1996 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
English full text translation of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco of 13 September 1996
Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco (National Law, English)