30 June 2023 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (publishing platform)
Burkina Faso
Order adopting the national strategy for the recovery of IDPs and host communities and the operational plan for 2023 to 2027
Burkina Faso: Arrêté n°2023-000056 portant adoption de la stratégie nationale de relèvement des personnes déplacées internes et des communautés d'accueil (SNR-PDICA) 2023-2027 et son plan d'action opérationnel | Refworld (National Law, French)
17 December 2017 | Government of Burkina Faso (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Burkina Faso
Law of 2015 amending the law of 17 December 2009 on repression of acts of terrorism
Loi N°084-2015/CNT; Portant Modification de la Loi N°060-2009/AN du 17 Decembre 2009 Portant Repression d'actes de Terrorisme au Burkina Faso (National Law, French)
7 December 2017 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Burkina Faso
Decree of 7 December 2017 on statelessness
Arrete No2017-2017-152/MJDHPC/CAB/ Portant création, composition, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de l'Equipe Technique Apatridie Pays (ETAP) (National Law, French)
15 September 2017 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Burkina Faso
Decree on the adoption of the national action plan to combat statelessness from 2017 to 2024
Decret No20170880/PRES/PM/MJDHPC/MINEFID portant adoption du plan d'actions national de lutte contre l'apatridie 2017-2024 (National Law, French)
27 June 2017 | Government of Burkina Faso (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Burkina Faso
Law of 2017 on protection of human rights defenders
Loi N° 039-2017/AN; Portant Protection des Defenseurs des Droits Humains au Burkina Faso (National Law, French)
5 November 2015 | Government of Burkina Faso (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Burkina Faso
Revision of 2015 of the Constitution
Loi Constitutionelle N°072-2015; Portant Revision de la Constitution (National Law, French)
6 September 2015 | Government of Burkina Faso (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Burkina Faso
Law of 2015 on violence against women and girls as well as reparation and care for victims
Loi N° 061-2015/CNT; Portant Prevention, Repression et Reparation des Violences a l'egard des Femmes et des Filles et Prise en Charge des Victimes (National Law, French)
18 April 2011 | CRIN – Child Rights Information Network (Author)
Burkina Faso
Overview of national legal provisions on children's rights
National Laws (National Law, English)
10 March 2011 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Burkina Faso
French verison of the decree on implementing the law on the status of refugees of 10 March 2011
Décret n° 2011-119/PRES/PM/MAECR relatif aux modalites d'application de la loi portant statut des réfugiés au Burkina Faso (National Law, English)
22 October 2008 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Burkina Faso
Law on legal status of refugees of 22 October 2008
Loi No. 042-2008/AN portant statut des réfugiés au Burkina Faso (National Law, French)