23 March 2021 | National Legislative Bodies, EURALIUS - Consolidation of the Justice System in Albania (Author), published by Legislationline
English translation of the law on the status of judges and prosecutors as of 23 March 2021
Law 96/2016 on the Status of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania (National Law, English)
1 February 2021 | UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (Author)
Law on asylum as of 1 February 2021
Law No. 10/2021 on Asylum in the Republic of Albania (National Law, English)
5 October 2020 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by Legislationline
English translation of the electoral code including amendments as of 5 October 2020
The Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania (National Law, English)
30 July 2020 | National Legislative Bodies, CoE – Council of Europe, Venice Commission (Author), published by Legislationline
English translation of the constitution with amendments up to 30 July 2020
Constitution of Albania [CDL-REF(2021)053] (National Law, English)
29 July 2020 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law from 29 July 2020 on citizenship
Republic of Albania; The People's Assembly; Law No. 113/2020 on Citizenship (National Law, English)
23 July 2018 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by Legislationline
English translation of the law on the profession of advocate as of 23 July 2018
Law No 55/2018 on the profession of advocate in the Republic of Albania (National Law, English)
17 May 2018 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by Legislationline
English translation of the law on the mediation of dispute resolution as of 17 May 2018
Law No 10 385, dated 24.2.2011 on the Mediation of Dispute Resolution (National Law, English)
14 December 2017 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by Legislationline
English translation of the law on state guaranteed legal aid as of 14 December 2017
Law Nr. 111 / 2017 on State Guaranteed Legal Aid (National Law, English)
13 October 2017 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by Legislationline
English translation of the law on the protection of national minorities as of 13 October 2017
Law Nr. 96/2017 on the protection of national minorities in the Republic of Albania (National Law, English)
24 July 2017 | National Legislative Bodies, EURALIUS - Consolidation of the Justice System in Albania (Author), published by Legislationline
Translation of the law on measures against financing terrorism as of 21 April 2017
Law No. 157/2013 on the measures against terrorism financing (National Law, English)