468 Documents since 16 September 2024

430,705 Documents in total

160 sources covered on a regular basis

172 Countries

Blog News

14 August 2024

ACLED's Conflict Exposure – One Measure to Describe a Conflict

In February 2024, ACLED, the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project – one of the most widely used conflict data providers in the field of COI – introduced ‘conflict exposure’ as a new measure.

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13 June 2024

UNHCR reports 117 million displaced

UNHCR released its annual Global Trends report, covering displacement that occurred during 2023. The report says the number of people forcibly displaced was 117.3 million at the end of 2023, leaving the population of forcibly displaced again at the 12th consecutive record high.

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16 May 2024

Choose your referencing style

You can now choose among several referencing styles in our "cite as" feature.

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About ecoi.net

How we work

Cover more than 160 sources like the United Nations, international NGOs, media services or government agencies
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What we want

Offer high quality country of origin information for fair and efficient refugee status determination procedures
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Who we are

Cooperating with partners, managed by ACCORD
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