UNMIS was established by the UN Security Council, by its Resolution 1590 of 24 March 2005, with the mandate to:
- support the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) by (inter alia): monitoring its implementation and investigating violations; observing armed groups movements; assisting in an disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration programme; assisting the peacebuilding process; assisting police restructuring; promoting the rule of law, human rights, combating impunity;
- facilitate and coordinate voluntary return of refugees and IDPs;
- provide humanitarian demining assistance;
UNAMIS (UN Advance Mission in Sudan), set up in June 2004 to prepare a UN peace mission, “was transformed into the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) on 24 March 2005, with the UN Security Council's adoption of Resolution 1590 which tasked UNMIS with supporting the Government of Sudan and the SPLM/A in the implementation of the CPA“ (UNMIS Website, http://www.unmis.org/english/background.htm, accessed on 10 April 2008).
“The mandate authorizes UNMIS to have up to 10,000 military personnel and an appropriate civilian component, including up to 715 civilian police personnel.” (UNMIS Website, http://www.unmis.org/english/mandate.htm, accessed on 16 May 2008)
UNMIS is composed of a Civil Affairs Section; DDR (Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration) Unit; a Gender Unit; an HIV/AIDS Unit; a Human Rights Office; a Military Component; a Police Component; a Political Affairs Division; a Public Information Office; and a Rule of Law and Judicial System Advisory Unit (UNMIS Website, http://www.unmis.org, accessed on 10 April 2008).
The UNMIS headquarters are based in Khartoum, Sudan. “UNMIS is planned to stay in Sudan for a total of seven years.” (UNMIS Website, http://www.unmis.org/english/Q-A.htm, accessed on 16 May 2008)
Target group:
United Nations; Sudanese government; Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A); Sudanese and international media; humanitarian community; Sudanese people; general public.
“UNMIS’ overall aim is to help the people of Sudan promote national reconciliation, lasting peace and stability and to build a prosperous Sudan in which human rights are respected and the protection of all citizens is assured.” (UNMIS Website, http://www.unmis.org/english/Q-A.htm, accessed on 16 May 2008)
In order to achieve this objective, UNMIS is authorised to take the necessary action to protect civilians under imminent threat of physical violence. It also facilitates the voluntary return of refugees and displaced persons, provides demining assistance and contributes towards international efforts to protect and promote human rights in Sudan (UNMIS Website, http://www.unmis.org/english/mandate.htm, accessed on 10 April 2008).
UNMIS public information tools are used to “keep the public informed on UN activities related to Sudan as well as the developments taking place on the ground.“ (UNMIS Website, http://www.unmis.org/english/UNMISnewsBulletin.htm, accessed on 10 April 2008)
As one of the UN peacekeeping operations, UNMIS is financed by the UN budget in the form of “assessments in respect of a Special Account”. Its budget is being approved for periods of one year (UN Website, http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/unmis/facts.html, accessed on 10 April 2008).
Scope of reporting:
Geographic focus: Sudan.
Thematic focus: Security developments; political situation; clashes; assassinations; violations of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement; demobilisation process; landmines; human rights violations; internally displaced persons and refugees; women and children in armed conflict; and other information related to the conflict in Sudan and to the UN peacekeeping mission.
Reporting methodology:
Various UNMIS offices/divisions monitor and inform about developments in their field of operation.
The Week in Focus contains weekly highlights collected from UNMIS News Bulletins and UN Radio Miraya.
Publication cycle:
Media Monitoring Reports are published daily.
CPA Monitor Monthly Reports summarise key developments of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on a monthly basis.
News Bulletins are published regularly.
The Week in Focus is published every week.
English, Arabic.
Navigation of website:
Home: Latest information (news from UN News Centre; latest daily media monitoring reports; latest press releases).
News & Media: News Bulletin (includes links to The Week in Focus and to the Southern Sudan Bulletin); Daily Media Monitoring Reports; press releases and other publications.
Resources - Peace Agreement: Contains a link to the CPA Monitor Monthly Reports.
Additional references: