Inter-Agency Standing Committee
“The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is a unique inter-agency forum for coordination, policy development and decision-making involving the key UN and non-UN humanitarian partners. The IASC was established in June 1992 in response to United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/182 on the strengthening of humanitarian assistance. General Assembly Resolution 48/57 affirmed its role as the primary mechanism for inter-agency coordination of humanitarian assistance.” (IASC Website,, accessed on 14 April 2010)
“According to General Assembly Resolution 46/182, the IASC should be composed of "all operational organisations and with a standing invitation to the ICRC, IFRC, and IOM. Relevant NGOs can be invited to participate on an ad hoc basis." In practice, no distinction is made between "Members" and "Standing Invitees" and the number of participating agencies has expanded since inception of the IASC in 1992. Members of the IASC include: FAO, OCHA, UNDP, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT, UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, WHO. Standing Invitees of the IASC include: ICRC, ICVA, IFRC, InterAction, IOM, OHCHR, RSG on Human Rights of IDPs, SCHR and the World Bank. Together with Executive Committee for Humanitarian Affairs (ECHA), the IASC forms the key strategic coordination mechanism among major humanitarian actors.” (IASC Website,, accessed on 14 April 2010)
“OCHA [United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs]carries out its coordination function primarily through the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, which is chaired by the ERC [Emergency Relief Coordinator]. Participants include all humanitarian partners, from UN agencies, funds and programmes to the Red Cross Movement and NGOs. The IASC ensures inter-agency decision-making in response to complex emergencies. These responses include needs assessments, consolidated appeals, field coordination arrangements and the development of humanitarian policies.” (IASC Website,, accessed on 14 April 2010)
Target group:
humanitarian actors
“Under the leadership of the Emergency Relief Coordinator, the IASC develops humanitarian policies, agrees on a clear division of responsibility for the various aspects of humanitarian assistance, identifies and addresses gaps in response, and advocates for effective application of humanitarian principles. Together with Executive Committee for Humanitarian Affairs (ECHA), the IASC forms the key strategic coordination mechanism among major humanitarian actors.” (IASC Website,, accessed on 14 April 2010)
“Key Principles:
Overall Objective: The ultimate objective of any decision should be that of improved delivery of humanitarian assistance to affected populations.
Respect for Mandates: The decisions of the IASC will not compromise members with respect to their own mandates.
Ownership: All members have an equal ownership of the Committee and its subsidiary bodies.
Subsidiarity: Decisions will be taken at the lowest appropriate level.
Impartiality of the Secretariat: The IASC is serviced by a Secretariat, which does not represent the interests of any member.”
UN budget and extra-budgetary resources donated by Member States and donor organizations.
Scope of reporting:
Geographic focus:
Thematic focus:
IASC Weekly Reports contain information on security situation, displacement and return
Reporting methodology:
“One of our objectives is to provide reliable and relevant information to the humanitarian community in a timely manner. We therefore focus on information from primary sources, such as humanitarian organizations providing relief or research institutions analyzing conflicts and humanitarian policy issues. We supplement information gaps with reputable secondary sources, such as the media. We then carefully select the information to be posted to the site with the aim that the information must help bring relief or humanitarian assistance to the people in need.” (IASC Website,, accessed on 14 April 2010)
Publication cycle:
IASC Weekly Reports are published on a weekly basis.
Navigation of website:
Documents > Weekly