Source description last updated: 14 July 2021
In brief: Forum 18 is a Christian Norwegian-Danish-Swedish initiative and human rights organisation that is based on the articles 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights with the aim of religious freedom. Forum 18‘s office is located in Norway.
Coverage on
News, Periodical Reports and Commentaries.
Covered twice per week on, for countries of priorities A, B and C.
"Forum 18 News Service (F18News) is a Christian initiative which is independent of any one church or religious group. Its independence is safeguarded by a board whose members are Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic Christians, and who are responsible for matters of policy and fundraising." (Forum 18 website: About Forum 18, undated, page image as of 8 June 2012 available at
“A Christian initiative, Forum 18 affirms on the basis of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ that each person - whatever their belief or non-belief - has an inherent dignity which no state or person can take from them. Freedom of religion or belief – which includes the right to have no religion and to criticise any religion - is therefore a fundamental human right essential for the dignity of humanity and true freedom.” (Forum 18: About, undated)
“Forum 18 News Service is named after this article and the similar Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a core international human rights treaty. We work for freedom of religion or belief for all on the basis of these articles.” (Forum 18: About, undated)
“A Norwegian-Danish-Swedish initiative, Forum 18 is a non-profit charitable foundation, registered with the Danish Tax Authority (SKAT). Its CVR/SE-number is 34929998.” (Forum 18: About, undated)
“Forum 18's work for religious freedom is funded through a mixture of charitable donations and grants from foundations, religious communities, and private individuals. Forum 18 does not accept any financial support where there may be any possibility of its editorial independence, or commitment to the religious freedom of all people, being in any way compromised.” (Information provided by John Kinahan, Forum 18’s Assistant Editor, on 25 March 2008)
Scope of reporting:
Thematic focus: Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief, including the right not to have a religion or belief
Geographic scope: Central Asia, Russia, the South Caucasus and Belarus; occasionally Turkey.
“Forum 18 provides truthful, original, detailed, and accurate monitoring and analysis of violations of freedom of thought, conscience and belief.” (Forum 18 website: About, undated)
Commentaries are written by a range of contributors and represent their personal views. According to Forum 18, these commentaries do not necessarily represent the views of F18News or Forum 18. (Forum 18: Commentaries, undated)
“Its correspondents actively seek to report the perspectives of all those directly involved in a situation, from local individual believers affected by threats and actions, to state or other groups initiating such threats and actions.” (Information provided by John Kinahan, Forum 18’s Chief Editor, on 25 March 2008)
Language(s) of publications:
Methodological note:'s source descriptions contain background information on an organisation’s mission & objective, funding and reporting methodology, as well as on how we cover the source. The descriptions were prepared after researching publicly accessible information within time constraints. Most information contained in a source description was taken from the source itself. The aim is to provide a brief introduction to the sources covered regularly, offering information on relevant aspects in one place in a systematic manner.
All links accessed 14 July 2021.