Source description last updated: 1 April 2020

In brief: The Enough Project is a Washington, D.C.-based project that works to end genocide and crimes against humanity in East and Central Africa

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Founded in 2007, the Enough Project is a project of the philanthropic New Venture Fund. It works “to support peace, democratic governance, and an end to mass atrocities in Africa’s deadliest conflict zones.” (Enough Project website: Support the Enough Project, undated)

“Together with its investigative partner, The Sentry, Enough counters armed groups, violent kleptocratic regimes, and their commercial partners […]. By helping to create consequences for the major perpetrators and facilitators of atrocities and corruption, Enough seeks to build leverage in support of peace and good governance. Enough conducts research in conflict zones, engages governments and the private sector on potential policy solutions, and mobilizes public campaigns focused on peace, human rights, and breaking the links between war and illicit profit.

Enough’s team (including our Sentry staff) involves former government and United Nations officials, policy analysts, country experts, investigative journalists, financial forensic investigators, field researchers, editors, lawyers, student activists, as well as advocacy, development, operations and communications professionals.” (Enough Project website: About, undated)


The Enough Project is supported by donations. No information could be found on specific donors, although the Enough Project website states that “[a]ll potential sources and terms of funding undergo a thorough internal review that ensures our commitment to autonomy […]” (Enough Project: Support the Enough Project, undated). Funding for the New Venture Fund largely stems from foundations and, to a smaller part, from “community groups, associations and nonprofit organizations” (New Venture Fund: Using Philanthropy to Shape a More Just, Equitable and Sustainable Future, December 2019, p. 5). However, no specific information has been found as to the extent to which Enough Project receives financial support from the New Venture Fund.

Scope of reporting:

Geographic focus: East and Central Africa

Thematic focus: armed conflict; human rights violations; transnational crime and terror; corruption; pillaging and trafficking of minerals, ivory, diamonds, and other natural resources


Reports published by Enough Project are predominantly based on publicly accessible sources and may include sources writing in languages other than English, such as French (see, for example, Enough Project: Splintered Warfare II: How Foreign Interference is Fueling Kleptocracy, Warlordism, and an Escalating Violent Crisis in the Central African Republic, November 2018, pp. 18–20) or Arabic (see, for example Enough Project: A Hijacked State: Violent Kleptocracy in South Sudan, 13 February 2019, p. 38). Sources are referenced by means of endnotes (see, for example, Enough Project: Safeguards to Peace; Steps Toward Economic Governance in South Sudan, March 2019, pp. 30–35 and Enough Project: A Hijacked State: Violent Kleptocracy in South Sudan, 13 February 2019, pp. 34–54). Apart from published material, Enough Project reports may also draw on interviews with stakeholders such as leaders of armed groups or diplomatic sources (see, for example, Enough Project: Splintered Warfare II: How Foreign Interference is Fueling Kleptocracy, Warlordism, and an Escalating Violent Crisis in the Central African Republic, November 2018, pp. 19–20). Interviews may be conducted by telephone or message exchange (see, for example, Enough Project: Ominous Threats Descending On Darfur, November 2017, p. 14)

Languages of publication:

English, French, Arabic

All links accessed 1 April 2020.