Source description last updated: 4 December 2020
In brief: The Dutch Council for Refugees (DCR) is an independent NGO based in Amsterdam that engages in the protection of the rights of refugees and asylum seekers.
Coverage on
Reports, responses, positions and other country-specific reports.
Covered monthly on for countries of priorities A–E.
“The Dutch Council for Refugees seeks to protect and defend the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in the Netherlands. Refugees have the right to a fair asylum procedure, access to adequate housing, education, health care and work. The Dutch Council for Refugees is an independent, non-governmental organisation that defends those rights. [...]
With more than 12.500 volunteers and around a thousand paid employees we offer refugees support during their asylum procedure and their integration in the Dutch society. [W]e provide legal advice and information during the asylum procedure, we give advice to asylum lawyers and we support strategic litigation” (DCR website: Dutch Council for Refugees, undated).The DCR helps “lawyers, [...] for example, by providing them with advice and information about the countries of origin of refugees. In an asylum case, lawyers can address their queries to our legal helpdesk. This support is essential as asylum lawyers work under great time pressure.” (DCR website: Begeleiding tijdens de asielprocedure, undated, working translation by ACCORD)
“With one National Office, 5 regional offices, and more than 300 local branches we are active throughout the country. [...] The Dutch Council for Refugees is a member of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE).” (DCR website: Dutch Council for Refugees, undated)
The DCR receives funding targeted for specific programmes/projects from private donors, the Dutch Postcode Lottery, various foundations (Oranjefonds, Adessium, Rabobank Foundation), the EU’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), the Dutch government institutions (Ministry of Justice and Security, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment and the Dutch Legal Aid Board) and various municipalities. (DCR: Jaarverslag 2019, March 2020, pp. 18–19)
Scope of reporting:
Geographic focus: Countries of origin and reception of asylum-seekers.
Thematic focus: Security, rule of law and administration of justice, human rights issues, situation for asylum-seekers in countries of reception.
Country of origin (COI) reports of the DCR may be exclusively based on research in publicly available sources, including reports by government institutions, intergovernmental organisations and NGOs, media reports and academic publications. Sources may be referenced by means of footnotes and listed in a bibliography at the end of the report. (see, for example: DCR: Country of Origin Information Report Ethiopia, 18 May 2016, p. 2)
Reports on reception conditions may be authored by partners (e.g. academic institutions) commissioned by the DCR. These reports may be based on both desk research (including on legislation) and interviews with government officials, parliamentarians, EU and other relevant organisations. (see, for example, DCR: Games of Responsibility; The Main Challenges that Asylum Seekers Face in Greece, May 2019, p. 11)
Languages of publication:
English and Dutch
All links accessed 4 December 2020.