Last update of this source description: January 2011.
Since over 40 years, Cologne’s broadcast station Deutschlandfunk provides information on politics, economy and culture.
Deutschlandradio was launched in the course of the German reunion, which required the fusion of FRG and GDR broadcasting services.
Target group:
Listeners of all groups of persons
DLF broadcasts programmes on...
…daily events: talks and interviews, correspondents‘ reports from all over the world
…special-focus programmes on events of the day, economy, medicine and culture
… background information on events of the day
German Federation, federal states, ARD, ZDF (TV licences)
Scope of reporting:
Geographic focus: all countries
Thematic focus: political, economic and cultural issues
Publication cycle:
No publication cycle; reports published bi-weekly or every few weeks
Navigation of website:
Website > Sendungen A-Z > Hintergrund > Nachlesen
Website > Sendungen A-Z > Eine Welt > Nachlesen