Note: CRISE is no longer active since 2010.
“CRISE is a Development Research Centre within Oxford University supported by the Department for International Development (DFID). […] The overall aim of CRISE is to investigate relationships between ethnicity, inequality and conflict, with the aim of identifying economic, political, social and cultural policies which promote stable and inclusive multiethnic societies.
It is already apparent that the role of ethnicity as a mobilizing agent is among the most important questions of the early twenty-first century. It is crucial to improve understanding of these issues, since conflicts linked to ethnicity have led to significant loss of life and injuries in many countries, and become major elements in impoverishment, undermining human security and sustainable development.
CRISE is made up of a central CRISE HQ based at Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, and Partner Institutions across the world.” (CRISE Website,, accessed on 1 April 2009)
Target group:
Governments, international agencies, policy-makers, interested public
“CRISE is studying multiethnic societies, investigating why some experience political instability and violent conflict, and others maintain the stability necessary for the promotion of human security, including sustainable growth and poverty reduction. A particular focus is on how ethnic inequality in access to political and economic resources, i.e. horizontal inequalities, affects political stability. The intended outcome of the research is to identify policies likely to promote inclusive development and stable political societies in ethnically diverse countries. […]
We expect the findings of the Centre to change the way policies are perceived, challenging fundamental assumptions about the nature of policies and the role of key actors. The conclusions will have strong practical implications for day-to-day policy-making. We aim to identify feasible policy options towards ethnically divided societies for governments and international agencies. Policies towards political systems, the economy at macro and meso levels, education, culture and legal systems will be covered.” (CRISE Website,, accessed on 1 April 2009)
“CRISE is a Development Research Centre within Oxford University supported by the Department for International Development (DFID).” (CRISE Website,, accessed on 1 April 2009)
“The Department for International Development is the part of the UK Government that manages Britain's aid to poor countries […].” (DFID Website,, accessed on 1 April 2009).
Scope of reporting:
Geographic focus: Southeast Asia (focus on Indonesia and Malaysia); West Africa (focus on Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana); Latin America (focus on Bolivia, Peru and Guatemala).
Thematic focus: Relationships between ethnicities, inequality and conflict, multiethnic societies.
Reporting methodology:
In depth regional comparisons in three areas of the world (see Scope of reporting/Geographic focus). General analysis: Cross-country econometric investigations, theoretical and empirical analysis of political systems, investigation of educational, cultural and legal systems and policies.
Publication cycle:
Both the Working Papers and CRISE’s Policy Work are published irregularly. The Policy Work consists of CRISE Policy Briefings (concise reviews of the implications of CRISE research findings for a range of policy issues), CRISE Policy Papers, and CRISE Policy Context Papers.
Newsletters are published several times per year.
Navigation of website:
All CRISE Working Papers are to be found via the link Publications in the top menu. All CRISE Policy Work papers are accessible via the link Policy Work in the top menu. The link CRISE Network lists partner institutions and staff members.