Information on whether a father has the right to do anything to a daughter, including murder her, with impunity [SYR16141.E]

According to a Syrian sociologist specializing in women's issues in Syria, a father does not have a legal right to kill his daughter (21 Dec. 1993). Although in traditional families and according to custom a father does have a lot of power, legally a father cannot kill his daughter because it would amount to murder (ibid.). Among Bedouins however, who represent a very small percentage of the Syrian population, custom might tolerate a father killing his daughter if she, for example, had sexual intercourse with a man before marriage (ibid.).

According to a representative of the Embassy of Syria in Washington, DC, a father is not permitted by law or tradition to abuse, beat or murder his daughter (4 Jan. 1994). Both civil law and Sharîa prohibit such behaviour (ibid.).

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Embassy of Syria, Washington, DC. 4 January 1994. Telephone interview with representative.

Sociologist specializing in women's issues in Syria, Hull. 21 December

1993. Telephone interview.