Information on the rights to citizenship and residence for ethnic Germans from the former Soviet Union [MDA17192.E]

A representative at the Consulate of Moldova in Washington, DC, indicated that the rights to citizenship are the same for all applicants, regardless of their nationality (3 June 1994). The representative was unable to provide further information on the rights of residence.

For information on the rights to citizenship and on the propiska system in Moldova, please consult Responses to Information Requests MDA13504 of 10 March 1993 and MDA12863 of 1 February 1993. Please also consult the attached Responses MDA17093.E of 3 May 1994 and MDA17198.E of 9 May 1994.

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Consulate of the Republic of Moldova, Washington, DC. 3 June 1994. Telephone interview with representative.


Documentation, Information and Research Branch (DIRB), Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa. 9 May 1994. Response to Information Request MDA17198.E.

. 3 May 1994. Response to Information Request MDA17093.E.