Information on a document called the "certificat d'immatriculation" [MAR15133]

According to a representative of the Embassy of Morocco in Ottawa, a "certificat d'immatriculation" is a car registration document (1 Sept. 1993). The representative added that a "certificat d'immatriculation" can be renewed if the holder has valid insurance and no outstanding traffic tickets (Ibid.). If it is an old car the owner would be required to submit it for a mechanical inspection before the "certificat d'immatriculation" could be renewed (Ibid.). This document provides no rights other than the right to own a car, and the holder of a "certificat d'immatriculation" does not have to be a Moroccan national (Ibid.).

Additional and/or corroborating information on this subject is currently unavailable to the DIRB in Ottawa.


Embassy of Morocco, Ottawa. 1 September 1993. Telephone interview with representative.