Information on a social service agency known as SovBez which paid benefits to those on maternity leave [KKT13122]

Information specific to a social agency known as SovBez in Kazakhstan or any of the other former Soviet republics is not currently available to the DIRB. For your information, however, please find attached excerpts from three articles which indicate that women in the former Soviet Union received maternity benefits from the state; the agency or department in charge of distribution of benefits is not specified (Europa 1991 1991, 2678; RL 7 Apr. 1989, 11; Shreir 1988, 268).


The Europa World Year Book 1991. 1991. Vol. 1. London: Europa Publications Ltd.

Radio Liberty (RL). 7 April 1989. Vol. 1, No. 14. Report on the USSR. Annette Bohr. "Resolving the Question of Equality for Soviet Women - Again."

Shreir, Sally. ed. 1988. Women's Movements of the World. London: Longman Group UK.


The Europa World Year Book 1991. 1991. Vol. 1. London: Europa Publications Ltd, p. 2678.

Radio Liberty (RL). 7 April 1989. Vol. 1, No. 14. Report on the USSR. Annette Bohr. "Resolving the Question of Equality for Soviet Women - Again," p. 11-12. Shreir, Sally. ed. 1988. Women's Movements of the World. London: Longman Group UK, p. 268.