Information on a general call-up to arms by the Jordanian government in the period December 1990 to January 1991 and whether this call-up included the civil militia and/or public security force. [JOR8771]

A representative of the Embassy of Jordan refused to provide any information on the above-mentioned subject (Embassy of Jordan, 14 June 1991).
A representative of the Arab League in Ottawa states that the Jordanian government declared general mobilization in the wake of the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait (Arab League 14 June 1991). The representative further states that the declaration was made late in 1990 or early in 1991.
Although not dealing with a general call-up in the period
December 1990 to January 1991, the following information may be
noteworthy as it elaborates on the Jordanian military preparations, including measures to expand the Popular Army (People's Army), following the initiation of the Persian Gulf crisis.
A Radio Monte Carlo broadcast monitored by the Foreign
Broadcasts Information Service (FBIS) reports a halt on granting
leave to Jordanian military personnel (FBIS-NES-90-151).
An Egyptian radio broadcast monitored by the FBIS reports the Jordanian declaration of a state of alert in the armed forces and police and their placing in a state of preparedness (FBIS-NES-90-154).
According to an Agence France Press (AFP) report monitored by the FBIS, the Jordanian army "assumed a state of preparedness
amidst growing signs of military confrontation" (FBIS-NES-90-162). The source maintains that "training centres for the 'people's army,' a civilian militia, which were ordered to be opened by King Husayn on Sunday, began receiving recruits on Wednesday" (Ibid.). It also holds that between 15,000 and 18,000 university students enlisted in the People's Army (Ibid.)
A Jordanian Times article re-published by the FBIS reports
the Jordanian Prime Minister's announcement on "preparations" to
"increase the number and activities of the military training
centres and to provide arms for the People's Army in implementation of His Majesty King Husayn's directives" (FBIS-NES-90-198).
A Jordanian radio program monitored by the FBIS reports a
meeting between the Jordanian Prime Minister and a Jordanian
parliamentary committee on "government measures concerning the
popular desire to participate in efforts to strengthen Jordan's
steadfastness" (FBIS-NES-90-202, p. 35). The source states that the Prime Minister referred to King Husayn's order of activation of the Popular Army Law which allows male Jordanians between the ages of 16 and 55 years and female Jordanians between the ages of 16 and 45 years to join the Popular Army (Ibid., p. 36). It further adds that the Jordanian plan was to train "secondary school, community college, and Jordanian university students, as well as factory workers so as not to disrupt the national economy in these dire circumstances" (Ibid.)
Further information on the subject is currently unavailable to the IRBDC.

Arab League, Ottawa. 14 June 1991. Telephone Interview with Representative.

Embassy of Jordan, Ottawa. 14 June 1991. Telephone Interview with Representative.

FBIS-NES-90-151. 6 August 1990. "Leave Cancelled for Armed Forces." in Radio Monte Carlo [Paris, in Arabic], 4 August 1990.

FBIS-NES-90-162. 21 August 1990. "AFP Reports Army in "State of Preparedness." in AFP [Paris, in English], 18 August 1990.

FBIS-NES-90-154. 9 August 1990. "Official Says Armed Forces
on 'State of Alert'." in Cairo Domestic Service [Cairo, in Arabic], 8 August 1990.

FBIS-NES-90-198. 12 October 1990. "Prime Minister on Armed
Training for Citizens." in Jordan Times [Amman, in English], 11-12 October 1990, pp. 43, 44.

FBIS-NES-90-202. 18 October 1990. "Prime Minister, Parliament Discuss Popular Army." in Domestic Service [Amman, in Arabic], 16 October 1990, pp. 35, 36.

FBIS-NES-90-151. 6 August 1990. "Leave Cancelled for Armed Forces." in Radio Monte Carlo [Paris, in Arabic], 4 August 1990.

FBIS-NES-90-162. 21 August 1990. "AFP Reports Army in "State of Preparedness." in AFP [Paris, in English], 18 August 1990.

BIS-NES-90-154. 9 August 1990. "Official Says Armed Forces on State Alert'." in Cairo Domestic Service [Cairo, in Arabic], 8 August 1990.

FBIS-NES-90-198. 12 October 1990. "Prime Minister on Armed Training for Citizens." in Jordan Times [Amman, in English], 11-12 October 1990, pp. 43,44.

FBIS-NES-90-202. 18 October 1990. "Prime Minister, Parliament Discuss Popular Army." in Domestic Service [Amman, in Arabic], 16 October 1990, pp. 35, 36.