Information on whether the organization called Sazman Cherikhae Fadai Khalghe Iran (Aqaliyat) changed its name in February 1997 to Sazman Fedai Aqaliyat, also referred to as Tavakol [IRN27134.E]

The following information was provided during 8 June 1997 telephone interviews with two specialists on Iran based in England. One specialist is a contributor to Jane's Intelligence Review and has published extensively on Iran, while the other is the head of the British Broadcasting Corporation's (BBC) Persian-Pashtoun Service in London, England. The BBC source recently completed a biography of Ahyatollah Khomeiny and has contributed a chapter to a book entitled The Vanguard of Islamic Revival published by Zed Publishing in London. The BBC source has also appeared on several British and American television programmes about Iran.

The sources did not have information on whether Sazman Cherikhae Fadai Khalghe Iran (Aqaliyat) changed its name in February 1997 to Sazman Fedai Aqaliyat, also referred to as Tavakol.

The sources stated that the group called Tavakol is only a faction within Sazman Fedai Aqaliyat. Neither group currently conducts military operations inside Iran.

The sources indicated that the numerous changes in the Fedai names over the years did not reactivate their operational capabilities inside Iran.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Head of the BBC-Persian-Pashtoun Service, London, England. 8 June 1997. Telephone interview.

Specialist on Iran based in England. 8 June 1997. Telephone interview.

Additional Sources Consulted

Al-Raida [Beirut]. Summer 1993 - 1996. Quarterly.

Arabia Monitor [Washington]. November 1992 - August 1993. Monthly.

Arabies [Paris]. January 1989 - 1997. Monthly.

Arab Law Quarterly [London]. 1993 - 1997. Quarterly.

Arab Studies Quarterly [Lake Forest, Ill.]. 1995 - 1997. Quarterly.

Dialogue [London]. October 1993 - 1997. Monthly.

Gulf Newsletter [London]. February 1992 - December 1994. Three per year.

The Middle East [London]. November 1988 - 1997. Monthly.

Middle East International [London]. January 1991 - 1997. Bi-weekly.

Mideast Mirror [London]. April 1995 - 1996. Daily.

Middle East Report [Washington]. September 1990 - 1997. Bi-monthly.

Monde Arabe Maghreb-Machrek [Paris]. January 1989 - 1997. Quarterly.

News From Middle East Watch [New York].

On-line search of the LEXIS-NEXIS database.

Two oral sources did not have information on this subject.