EUAA – European Union Agency for Asylum (formerly: European Asylum Support Office, EASO) (Author)
1. What is the current security situation in Kinshasa since the demonstration against the government on 31 December 2017? 2. Are there specific actors who organise demonstrations such as political parties, movements or any other groups? 3. Is it common for a person with no political involvement to be persecuted by the government for his/her participation in a demonstration? 4. Is there any information regarding the persecution of relatives of political parties’ members? If so, in which way family members can be affected by the political involvement of their relatives? Is there any information on the targeting of children of political opponents? 5. Is it a common practice for a political party to publish a list with the names or the position of the members who were killed or arrested during demonstrations? If so, where can such lists be found? 6. Socio-economic situation and potential problems for people belonging to specific minorities/ethnic groups such as people from Kasai[...] [Q61]