Information on the Jammu Kashmir Peoples' National Party (JKPNP); its branch in Kotli; its office address; its current leaders; any reports of problems faced by JKPNP members (2001-2003) [PAK42045.E]

Information on the Jammu Kashmir Peoples' National Party (JKPNP) was scarce among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

A 4 July 2001 Associated Press report mentions that pro-independence candidates of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and the People's National Party removed a section of the Kashmir parliamentary nomination papers that acknowledged Pakistan's continued control over Azad Kashmir (AP 4 July 2001). The Election Commission reportedly rejected the candidates as a result of their actions and, subsequently, the candidates organized a boycott of the elections (ibid.). Amanullah Khan, the Liberation Front chairman, was arrested for attempting to lead a demonstration in Kotli (ibid.). Approximately 30 other pro-independence supporters were arrested prior to the elections (ibid.).

According to the Indian News, the Jammu Kashmir Peoples' National Party is one of seven allied political organizations based in the United Kingdom who are lobbying for an independent state of Jammu and Kashmir (26 Feb. 2002). With reference to the political goals of the alliance, chairman Mohammed Siddiq Mirza stated that

the long-term aims of the alliance were re-unification of the "forcibly divided state and restoration of its lost sovereignty, re-unification of all religious, ethnic, cultural and linguistic communities and revival of tolerant and democratic pluralist character of the society." Mirza said short-term goals of the alliance include "a forthwith cessation of violence inside Jammu and Kashmir territory" and demilitarization of the Jammu and Kashmir Territory (Indian News 26 Feb. 2002).

The Kashmir Record and Research Council posted an 8 April 2001 Times of India article that mentions the UK-based JKPNP's link to pro-independence groups in Kashmir and their attempts, along with other pro-independence group members, to draw international attention to the Pakistan government's denial of elections in the northern areas of Gilgit and Balitstan, as well as the closure of a Gilgit newspaper and the arrests of its employees.

No further information on the JKPNP, its branch in Kotli, its office address, its leaders, or whether its members face problems, could be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Associated Press (AP). 4 July 2001. Roshan Mughal. "Police Arrest Pro-Independence Kashmiri Leaders Ahead of Elections." (Dialog).

Indian News. 26 February 2002. "UK-Based Kashmiri Organisations Launch New Political Alliance." (Dialog)

Times of India [New Delhi]. 8 April 2001. "Kashmiri Groups Launch Global Anti-Pak Protest."

Additional Sources Consulted


IRB Databases

Unsuccessful attempt to contact the Kashmir Record and Research Council.

Internet sites, including:

Amnesty International

Country Reports for 2001, 2002

Election World

Europa World Year Book 2003

Human Rights Watch

The Kashmir Observer

Kashmir Record and Research Council

The Kashmir Times

Political Parties of the World 2002


Associated documents