Document #1006187
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
The NFSL is a group determined to "liberate
Libya and save it from Gadaffi's rule" and replace the present
regime with a democratically elected government. [ Degenhardt, H.,
Revolutionary and Dissident Movements An International
Guide, (Essex: Longman Press, 1988)p. 226.] In 1987 the NFSL
was considered the most "vociferous opposition" to the Gadaffi
regime by Africa Confidential. [ "Libya: Blind Confidence",
Africa Confidential, 18 February 1987, (London: Africa
Confidential Publications, 1987).]
The NFSL was founded in Khartoum, Sudan in
October 1981 by Dr. Mohamed al-Mughariaf. [ Degenhardt p. 226. and
"Libya: Terror Reigns", Africa Confidential, 25 April 1984,
(London: Africa Confidential Publications, 1984), p. 2.]
Its Headquarters have been in Sudan,
Morocco and as of 1987 were in Iraq. [ "Libya: Blind Confidence",
February 1987.]
Its financial support has come from among
others the USA and Saudi Arabia. [ Ibid.]
The NFSL has been active in organizing
demonstrations in a number of European countries, including
Britain, and has participated in meetings held in Egypt. [
Degenhardt, p. 226.] The Libyan regime has had a policy of
"liquidating" its opponents and attacks have taken place in several
Western European counties, as well as in Egypt and the USA. [
Amnesty International, Violations of Human Rights in the Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya (London: Amnesty International Publications,
p. 2.] Amnesty International has documented these attacks and the
relevant sections of Violations of Human Rights in the Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya (1984), LIBYA summary of Amnesty
International Prisoner Concerns (1987) and LIBYA: Further
Attacks On Exiled Political Opponents (1987) are attached.
Various newspaper sources regrading attacks against Libyans outside
of Libya are also appended. No information is available to the
IRBDC at this time regarding the presence of the NFSL in
Revolutionary and Dissident
Movements indicates that the NFSL has often worked with the
"General Students Organization" (see attached section from the
Revolutionary and Dissident movements), which is active in
organizing protests against the Gadaffi regime.