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This page gives you an overview on maps about Iran collected on ecoi.net. More maps are available in our full-text search.
The BPB (Federal Agency for Civic Education of Germany) published a map of administrative divisions and main cities in 2011:
Russland - Administrative Gliederung (Map or infographic, German)
In October 2009, the CIA published a map of administrative divisions:
Russia--administrative divisions (Map or infographic, English)
In January 2004, the UN Cartographic Section published a map with major cities and transport infrastructure:
Map of Russian Federation (Map or infographic, English)
From 1978 to 1980, the U.S. Defense Mapping Agency published a series of topographic maps.
More maps and infographics with the option to use filters can be found in the ecoi.net search: Russian Federation maps and infographics on ecoi.net. Please note that the recognition of text in graphical documents such as maps often does not work well. This means that place names often can't be found in the full-text search, even when the name is visible on a map.