16 September 2015 | Government of Honduras (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law from 12 June 2015 on the restriction of telecommunication services in prisons and detention centres for children
Ley de Limitación de Servicios de Telecomunicaciones en Centros Penitenciarios, Granjas Penales y Centros de Internamiento de Niñas y Niños a nivel nacional (National Law, Spanish)
9 September 2014 | Government of Honduras (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Amendment from 9 September 2014 to law from August 2013 on the military police
Ley de Policía Militar de Orden Público (National Law, Spanish)
27 June 2013 | Government of Honduras (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law from 26 June 2013 on law and security
Ley Estrategia Interinstitucional en Seguridad y Toma Integral Gubernamental de Respuesta Especial de Seguridad (Tigres) (National Law, Spanish)
15 May 2013 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law on registration of persons
Ley del Registro Nacional de las Personas; Decreto No. 62-2004 (National Law, Spanish)
6 April 2013 | Government of Honduras (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Decree from 6 April 2013 on the Status of Refugees
Decreto No. 20-2013; Retiro de las Reservas a los Artículos 24, 26 y 31 de la Convención sobre el Estatuto de los Refugiados (National Law, Spanish)
23 March 2013 | Government of Honduras (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law from 22 March 2013 on the national police forces
Ley orgánica de la policía nacional de Honduras (National Law, Spanish)
21 June 2007 | Government of Honduras (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law from 21 June 2007 on witness protection in criminal proceedings
Ley de protección a testigos en el proceso penal (National Law, Spanish)