23 August 2019 | UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Government of Angola, Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Author)
Angola, Congo, Democratic Republic
Tripartite agreement between the governments of Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo as well as the High Commissioner for Refugees on the volontary repatriation of Congolese refugees
Accord Tripartite Entre le Gouvernement de la République d'Angola, le Gouvernement de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) et le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR) Relatif au Rapatriement Volontaire des Réfugiés Congolais Vivant en Angola dans la Province de Lunda Norte (National Law, English)
29 September 2014 | Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Congo, Democratic Republic
Law from 29 September 2014 on protection of and assistance for IDPs
Loi No ... du ... Portant Protection et Assistance aux Personnes Deplacees Internes en Republique Democratique du Congo (National Law, English)
15 July 2014 | Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Congo, Democratic Republic
Law on protection of and assistance for IDPs in Africa
Loi No. 14-025 du 2014 autorisant la ratification par la RDC de la Convention de Kampala sur la Protection et l'Assistance aux Personnes Déplacées en Afrique (National Law, French)
15 July 2014 | Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Congo, Democratic Republic
Law from 8 July 2014 on protection of and assistance for IDPs
Loi n° 14/025 autorisant la ratification para la République Démocratique du Congo de la Convention de l'Union Africaine sur la protection et l'assistance aux personnes déplacées en Afrique, adoptée le 22 octobre 2009 à Kampala, en Ouganda, col 40 (National Law, French)
15 February 2014 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Congo, Democratic Republic
Law on amnesty for acts of insurgency, political infractions and acts of war from 11 February 2014
Loi No. 14/006 du 11 Février 2014; Portant Amnistie pour Faits Insurrectionnels, Faits de Guerre et Infractions Politiques (National Law, French)
1 August 2006 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Congo, Democratic Republic
Law of 20 July 2006 modifying and completing the Congolese Criminal Procedure Code
Loi n° 06/019 du 20 juillet 2006 modifiant et complétant le Décret du 06 août 1959 portant Code de Procédure Pénale Congolais (National Law, French)
1 August 2006 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Congo, Democratic Republic
Law of 20 July 2006 modifying and completing the Congolese Penal Code
Loi n° 06/018 du 20 juillet 2006 modifiant et complétant le Décret du 30 janvier 1940 portant Code pénal congolais (National Law, French)
18 February 2006 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Congo, Democratic Republic
Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo of 18 February 2006
Constitution de la République Démocratique du Congo (National Law, French)
19 December 2005 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Congo, Democratic Republic
Amnesty law for persons prosecuted for crimes in the framework of legal military operations, political crimes or expression of their opinion of 19 December 2005
Loi n° 05/023 du 19 décembre 2005 portant amnistie pour faits de guerre, infractions politiques et d'opinion (National Law, French)
12 November 2004 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Congo, Democratic Republic
Citizenship Law of 12 November 2004
Loi n° 04/024 du 12 novembre 2004 relative à la nationalité congolaise (National Law, French)