30 May 2022 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law as of 30 May 2022 on missions, composition, organisation and operation of the Advisory Commission for Foreigners and Refugees as well as the Appeals Committee
Refworld | Burundi: Décret No.100 /068 du 30 mai 2022 portant missions, composition, organisation et fonctionnement de la Commission Consultative pour Etrangers et Refugies et du Comite de Recours (National Law, French)
30 May 2022 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law as of 30 May 2022 on the organization, missions and operation of the National Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons
Décret No.100 /069 du 30 Mai 2022 Portant Organisation, Missions et Fonctionnement de l'Office National de Protection des Refugies et Apatrides (National Law, French)
5 November 2021 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law on migration as of 5 November 2021
Loi No 1/25 du 05 Novembre 2021 Portant Reglementation des Migrations au Burundi (National Law, French)
7 June 2018 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (publishing platform)
Constitution of the Republic of Burundi as of 7 June 2018
Republique du Burundi; Constitution de la République du Burundi (National Law, French)
22 September 2016 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law on the prevention of gender-based violence and the protection of victims of as of 22 September 2016
Loi N°1/13 du 22 Septembre 2016 Portant Prevention, Protection des Victimes et Repression des Violences Basees sur le Genre (National Law, French)
29 October 2014 | National Legislative Bodies (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Law on the prevention of trafficking in persons and the protection of victims of trafficking as of 29 October 2014
Loi N°1/28 du 29 Octobre 2014 Portant Prevention et Repression de la Traite des Personnes et Protection des Victimes de la Traite (National Law, French)
18 April 2011 | CRIN – Child Rights Information Network (Author)
Overview of national legal provisions on children's rights
National Laws (National Law, English)
22 April 2009 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
French version of penal code of 22 April 2009
Loi N°1 / 05 du 22 Avril 2009 portant Revision du Code Penal (National Law, French)
7 April 2009 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Regulation on the enforcement of the law on asylum and refugee protection in Burundi of 13 November 2008 and on asylum procedures of 7 April 2009
Ordonnance ministérielle No. 530-442 du 7/4/2009 sur les mesures d'application de la Loi n. 1/32 du 13 novembre 2008 sur l'asile et la protection des réfugiés au Burundi et portant sur les procédures de demande d'asile (National Law, French)
7 April 2009 | National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities (Author), published by UNHCR – UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Regulation on the enforcement of the law on asylum and refugee protection in Burundi of 13 November 2008 and on the Consultative Commission for Aliens and Refugees (Commission consultative pour les étrangers et réfugiés) and on the Appeal Committee (Comité de recours) of 7 April 2009
Ordonnance No. 530-443 du 7/4/2009 portant mesures d'application de la Loi n. 1/32 du 13 novembre 2008 sur l'asile et la protection des réfugiés au Burundi et portant composition, organisation et fonctionnement de la Commission consultative pour les étrangers et réfugiés et du Comité de recours (National Law, French)